Speaking of a lift, last night Rick and I went out on a date, using the tickets to An Dochas and the Haran Irish Dancers that I got him for Christmas. We don't get to do this sort of thing often - maybe a couple times a year - so it is always special. But when the performance is as good as last night's was, our time together is even better! I pulled the photos below off their website; you can click on the link to see more photos and hear some clips of their music. I highly recommend them if you like Irish music and dance!

Today I took off with a friend to look at a horse she bred and raised and do a little shopping - another rare treat. She took me to a shop at a new mall I've never visited (to say the least, I'm not a "mall rat") that features a mouth-watering array of rice puddings, of all things. It's called "Pudding on the Rice," and they give samples on little spoons, just like Baskin-Robbins does. I settled on a delightful combination of rice pudding, fresh raspberries, vanilla and a touch of almond, and savored every creamy, "comfort-food" mouthful - YUM! Then, among other places, we stopped at Cost Plus, another store I've never been to. There I spied some chocolate that sounded intriguing, and suspiciously good:

While out and about on the day's outing, I even got a good start on my "one-skein household item" for the Traditional Knitting gift exchange. I hope it doesn't disappoint. I'm obviously feeling some insecurity in this area, because last night I had a dream wherein I received a HUGE box containing the gift knitted by the person who got my name (I think it was a big, fancy rug along the lines of an oriental carpet). I can remember thinking there was no way it was made from just skein, but it still left me feeling a little panicky.
That's it for now from . . .

What a lovely day you had :-) Cost Plus - dangerous place :-D I have done my share of damage there over the years. And more snowdrops! Everything pretty much melted here over the weekend, so there may be some signs of spring here soon, too :-)
tee he he he he!
Isn't it amazing what our subconscious minds can do...
Snowdrops!!! Oh you lucky duck! We still haven't got a blade of green grass yet. Groan...
The show must have been fabulous - I love Irish music and dance. I grew up with it, and did Scottish dancing myself, but not the Irish.
I must go to World Market and see if they have that chocolate here.
We have been graced with a Cost Plus now. I am so glad it's on the other side of town, but I do go get spices there.
I bought one of their chocolate bars that had chipotles in it and wasn't thrilled with it but did put it in my chili and it was great (I always put some chocolate in my chili - it give a wonderful depth to it). I will have to try this one (Oh, don't throw me in THAT briar-patch!)
Thanks for the introduction to An Dochas! I love their music - just spent a bunch of time at their website. I can't wait to get their CD now.
Ummmm! Rice pudding, chocolate and Irish music. Doesn't get any better than that! Have you ever heard Gaelic Storm? They are one of my favs...
Oh yes, MollyBee, heard them and love them, too!
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