Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thar's gold in them thar hills!

On a drive over the hill into Amity Tuesday, I had to stop and snap a couple of pictures. Between the vineyards below and the native maples above, the scene positively glowed!

By yesterday morning the weather was changing, but my big Japanese maple in the island bed made up for the lack of sunshine. This tree used to be outside our bedroom window in the old manufactured home (we moved it to the island when we built our house), and really did give the effect that the light was on in the room when it was in full fall foliage!

This morning we're socked in with fog, and Brava is acting friendlier toward Franjean. Could there be more March lambs?

That's it for now at . . .


Rayna said...

What kind of camera do you have? You take such beautiful photos!

Michelle said...

Thanks, Rayna! My camera is just an inexpensive little Fujifilm FinePix that has been dropped more times than I can count and keeps on working. I recommend it!

Anonymous said...

OK, I've been checking in with your blog almost every day. I love your posts! Beautiful pictures and lots of fun information about what you do. I've never known much about raising sheep, working with their wool and etc.

Jenny Holden said...

Wow, gorgeous colours... and lambs on the way! How exciting :o) I'm picking up my tup tomorrow!!!! And a new little moorit ewe, Todhill Russet. Oooo the anticipation!

Deb said...

Such beautiful scenery Michelle -
I have never been to a vineyard. A beautiful sight for sure.

All of our leaves are gone and now we have bare trees :(

I love your japanese maple. We have talked about planting one for a couple of years now. Just can't seem to choose the right spot :)

Janet Roper said...

Beautiful pics! I could almost smell the fresh, crisp fall air through your pictures. A full sensory experience! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm finding more good reading today from "A shepherd's Voice". One blog leads to another blog, and so on. I love the scenery pictures. This is a beautiful time of year.


white_lilly said...

Love your pics! Beautiful colors, I love Autumn time.

Sharon said...

Laura told me that the colors up there are absolutely stunning right now and I can see she wasn't exaggerating. Breathtaking~