Last night Rick was able to pick up my roving when he was near the processor's for a veterinary call. I love it all, especially Valentine's two colors, and will definitely save some of each to spin myself. SOMEday I'm going to knit myself a Fair Isle jacket out of homespun in natural colors!
Anyway, I'm sure you are wondering who the contest winner is! I am pleased to announce that
Catskill Mountain Fibers gets to take her pick from the girls' roving shown and described below. She guessed I'd get back 19 1/4 pounds of roving from the processor, and she was only off by a few ounces. In case you are interested, I sent in 28.95 lbs. of fleece, so my return was 67% and some change. How does that compare with what other you other Shetland breeders have experienced in processing your own fleeces or sending them out?
Many thanks to all who entered my contest. If you see something below that you just have to try, it IS available for sale. :-)
Dinah, white (bump, long staple):

Rechel, light grey (loose roving, shorter staple):

Valentine, dark fawn (bump, long staple):

Valentine, light fawn (bump, long staple):

Bella, grey lamb (bump, long staple):

Bella, light grey adult (bump, long staple):

Proud to be grown in the U.S.A. at . . .