Not only did Brian admire the Shetland yarn, he seemed fascinated by a new friend's knitting project. He watched, quietly and keenly, as she worked. When she offered to let him help a little, he took the opportunity eagerly. How young can a child learn, I wondered?

What about me? A quarter century ago I croqueted and knitted a little. Could I pick it back up? With all these thoughts rattling around in my busy brain, yesterday I stopped by a local yarn shop to see if they offered classes. (They do, but none that work with my schedule.) Then (of course!) I had to browse through the yarn and revel in the colors and textures. But I was strong, and left without spending a cent. (Fooled you, huh?)
I had to stop at Wal-Mart for a prescription before heading home. The craft section sounded its siren call. I looked. I saw some stunning yarn - on sale. I succumbed. How hard could knitting a scarf be? So I went home, downloaded "Learn to Knit" from www.lionbrand.com, and went to work. Slowly. Clumsily. Still, it was oddly exciting, and satisfying.

Since this morning, my project has gained several inches, and I no longer have to consult the instructions. (I also went back to Wal-Mart today and bought three more balls of yarn - Christmas is coming!) Go ahead; chuckle among yourselves and look knowingly at one another. Better plan an intervention, too. Looks like I'm going to be a card-carrying member of Fiberholics Anonymous!
By the way, Brian wants to know when I'm going to teach him how to knit. Guess what they say is true: addictions run in families.
That's it for now at . . .

How COOL! Congratulations Michelle. The yarn you're using is beautiful! Are you making a scarf? I also became addicted to knitting after learning how to because I was spinning all this yarn and had to do SOMETHING with it!
As far as addictions go...if ya gotta have one ~ this one's pretty nice!
Well, it was supposed to be a scarf, I followed the directions to the best of my ability, but it ended up being about a foot wide, and therefore only a couple feet long! I think I need to email Lion for clarification, then unravel it all and start over. The yarn is called Moonlight Mohair and it really is gorgeous; the photo in my blog doesn't do it justice.
Good for you, Michelle! I started with spinning...then went on to make baskets-to put yarns and fleece in; dyeing-to change the colors; weaving-to make items from placemats to blankets and beyond; crochet-well, I knew that one already...and now I'm teaching myself to knit! And I have loved every minute of it! :)
And Nancy is sooo right...if you've got to be addicted to something - wool is a nice way to go! (Except for that first cup of coffee in the morning...I love that!)
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