Monday, April 28, 2014

Cheers and tears

Recent cheers:
• A ten-egg day!
• Blaise is coming close enough to touch her nose to my fingertips
• Goldfinches, Evening Grosbeaks and a rare red-winged blackbird showed up at our bird feeder this weekend
• Rick built a fire Sunday afternoon, and there was warmth

Recent tears:
• We played basketball with group from church Saturday night. Some of my moves made my frozen shoulder scream. But I took two Aleve, went to bed, and awoke to increased range of motion – so that's actually a cheer!
• The ewes no longer have any influence on their adolescents; I can relate!
• Jackson caught and killed a squirrel Sunday; I'm afraid it was the momma squirrel who's been eating for five at our bird feeder. I haven't seen a single squirrel since. :'-(

That's it for today from . . .

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Thank goodness the squirrel wasn't the momma after all... poor babies!