Thursday, January 02, 2025

Another post?!?

Don't ask me why I am suddenly motivated to post more often when my discretionary time is being compressed to a fraction of what it was. Perhaps the main reason is that writing here feels like one of the few outlets I have to vent (although trust me, even here my venting is very constrained due to early training). The more frequent posting may not last, but I'm following the inspiration for now.

Never fear; I did honor my one New Year's Day tradition!
My one New Year's tradition
(not the awkward selfie part)

Here is my Ariya sweater after blocking. Lo and behold, it now has long sleeves! And it is longer in the body, too, for which I am thankful. It bordered on too short before blocking; I'm too old for cropped tops.😝 I might just wear it to church with a skirt on Sabbath.

I started my stripey Advent scarf on New Year's Day. This is definitely a "potato chip knit" – just one more stripe....
When I'm not working on it, it is resting in my Christmas gift from Brian. I told him I needed a row counter and more locking stitch markers; he got those and this adorable project bag, which has a TON of nifty features. I love it!

Speaking of Christmas gifts, I realize I forgot to share my IG/FB photos in the last couple posts. There aren't very many outstanding because I released myself from the pressure of daily posts with everything else that was going on. December 29's IG/FB featured one of my presents from Rick:
My improved sheep stand, additions crafted by my handy husband for Christmas.

The other thing I asked for and received were front floor mats for my car, as the 2009 originals were falling apart. I now have dandy Weathertek ones.

January 1's IG/FB photos are at the top of this post. Today's follow:
It's been a VERY grey, damp winter so far,

but my pieris is loaded with buds

and my sarcacocca is ready to bloom and perfume.
That's it for today from . . .

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

A year of big changes

"The only constant is change," 'they' say. Every year brings change, of course, much of it a surprise. But sometimes change looms. large and menacing, in full view. That is 2025, and not just on a national level. On top of losing the clinic's lease at the end of February (no plan for after yet) and the possibility of my getting bilateral knee replacements (I'll know a lot more after my two appointments with surgeons in January), I learned Monday night (after my last blog post) that I am going to be working at Rick's clinic three days a week starting this Friday, as his secretary is only going to work two days a week after today and he doesn't want to post a job opening (don't even ask). That means that for the first time in decades, I'll be working 'off the farm' five days a week. Since there can be a lot of downtime at the clinic, I'll probably be able to continue posting here as well as getting in some spinning and knitting, but things 'on the farm' will surely suffer. There has been no division of labor here; I shoulder all the household and the vast majority of daily animal chores and gardening because Rick is the financial supporter (the third adult living here doesn't contribute . . . much). That will have to change, or some things just won't get done. Taking care of the animals is a given; they depend on me for all their needs and as a good steward, I will not let them down. Everything else is up in the air; let it fall where it will. Know that I do not intend to air much more about that.

At midnight one of our nearest neighbors set off some big fireworks as well as gunshots. Poppy got a little stressed; she's never before reacted to noise, but I don't think big fireworks have ever been that close. I had gone to bed shortly before, but when she came to the bedroom door and whined, I got up and let her in. She loves to share our bed but hasn't gotten that privilege in a long time because none of us sleep well when she joins us. Last night, however, she didn't disturb either of us; amazing! (Not that we're going to make a habit of co-sleeping with her.)
"Say what? But we spent such a perfect night together!"

My sweater is still drying on the guest bed, so no new photos. I might wear it to church Sabbath. In the meantime, I've been pondering my next knit, the stripey scarf. I think the mini-skeins are in the order I like best now and I've chosen my neutral, so tonight I plan to cast on.

Before the rains starts again I'm going on my traditional New Year's Day horseback ride, then I'll do some cleaning since I won't have time to do that Friday. Doing some baking and cooking up a big kettle of stew would probably be a good idea, too, even though Rick is not a soup fan.
The current state of the shop. Water and power lines run; almost ready for a concrete floor.

Onward and forward into 2025 from . . .