Tuesday, June 24, 2014

When do you pull the plug?

Don't worry; I'm not talking about life and death here. Blogger/Google is having issues and the Dashboard Reading List isn't functioning. That means I cannot see with a glance or a scroll all the new posts on the various blogs I follow. I miss keeping up with new posts; I follow the blogs I do because I enjoy them. Some are fiber-related; some are about horses, or dogs, or farm life, or just life in general. Some are educational and some are philosophical; some are inspiring and some are funny. Some have introduced me to true and dear friends, whether we've met IRL (in real life) yet or not.

Feeling deprived, today I started down the list of blogs I follow, going first to those I knew would have posted since Blogger's troubles started. Then I started clicking on some of the blogs that haven't been updated in awhile – some in a looong while. Quite a few have been silent a year; some two or three years. Us followers are left to wonder. Sometimes I offer a prayer for these blogpals gone missing, hoping life has not brought them crippling challenges.

At what point do you stop following a blog; free up that spot on your list so you can follow a different one? (Yes, I am pretty much at the maximum number of blogs Blogger lets you follow.) After three years, should I assume someone is never coming back to blogland?

I know what my problem is: I'm too curious. I don't want to miss anything! What if one of these long-silent bloggers starts posting again, explaining their absence while sharing their heart and life? I have to ask myself if it will matter. Will my life be any different if I'm not following when someone revives their neglected blog? Maybe; maybe not. But if our connections make us richer, then I would be poorer, right?

Do you ever pull the plug?

Just in case, here are some flowers for the deceased. My grandma's lilies.

That's it for today from . . .


Laura said...

I just noticed that problem today when trying to check my followed blogs. I thought it was only on the iPad, but it's the same on the computer too. I've sent messages... It's a pain!

Mary Ann said...

So glad you posted this. I thought it was just my computer having problems with the blogs! Like you, I have a list of blogs that have them posted in quite some time. I refuse to pull the plug. I feel like I'm abandoning people! Lol.

DianeOart said...

I've sent a feedback to Google about it... it's really annoying.
No I don't pull the plug.

Theresa said...

If they are folks who I know visit my blog and even sometimes comment, I don't, but if a year or more old, I do. I don't think there is a problem with my blog...but then again, maybe I should check some of the older non posting ones to see if they have. Laura, you're in that group! ;)

Florida Farm Girl said...

Yes, I've pulled the plug but usually because the blog has veered off into territory that doesn't interest me. In addition to the follow list, I keep a favorites file of blogs on my computer. There's as many or more blogs there that I read daily as on the follow list. As for the absence of posts, I guess it depends on how you feel about the blog to start with. You can always put the inactive blogs on the favorites list and that will open up a spot on the follow roll.

Florida Farm Girl said...

Oh, and I haven't noticed a problem with my blog but I'll check it.

Spinners End Farm said...

Tricky question! I did pull one; they sold all their sheep and disappeared which left me concerned; but my favorites will stay no matter how long (I think). I've googled some folks out of concern because they haven't posted and mostly found them to be fine so maybe they just lose the muse for a bit?

Retired Knitter said...

When my list of blogs produces too many postings for me to keep up with in my blog catcher (I use Bloglovin - it works just great), then I seriously look at my subscriptions and trim them. If I consistently pass over a a blog with an open post without reading then I unsubscribe at some point. My interest or their focus has changed.

Reading blogs is one of the things I really enjoy but I also have limited time for sitting at the computer. I remember a few years ago I have almost 500 open posts to read. I was house bound with mom at that time and even then I thought ... this is too much .... shrink this down.

As far as blogs that are silent for a time ... Well, if it is a year or more, it is probably time to cut the cord. Just depends. If it is family, I hold on to them forever.

I have had my silent periods too and even thought about giving up blogging completely but just couldn't take that step. But if I ever did, I would make that announcement in a final post. It seems like the only fair thing to do for those who have followed faithfully.

I will say that when I have posted after a long absence and comments pop up ... I am totally grateful that my blog was not dropped from a reader's list. Bloggers are the best people.

Susan said...

I was having the same problem - but it seems to be fixed today. Hey - they must be reading your blog! As for trimming the blog list, I usually give someone I really like a good, long time - hoping they'll come to their senses and know we miss them - while others I'll drop because, like the commentors above say, my interests have changed, etc. Reading blog posts is really the highlight of my day - I love my blog family and am interested in even the mundane moments (to them).

MiniKat said...

I'll be back to blogging at somepoint in the near future. Been dealing with too many things in real life to have the time to type away. Obviously, I still make time to read blogs though. ;-)

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Don't pull the plug on me:) I am always here! Good that things are working with our reader list again...it was a frustrating time while it was down. We all have so much to offer one another as blogging friends...so glad to have been able to meet you in purrrrson! Hang in there and keep your face toward the son!
Love the cozy cottage!

Anonymous said...

I do not pull the plug but have no limits on the blogs I can follow. One of my favorite blogs became silent but after a long while a post appeared from the sister of the blogger describing her death. I am glad I kept the link so I could find out what happened.

Christine said...

I started using Bloglovin' and I have to admit I love it. It is so much easier to follow along.