Just before Brian left, I awoke in the wee dark hours one morning to the sounds of a cat fight. I jumped up, opened our window, and called for Chuckie. There he was, barely discernible, in the yarn below; I didn't see 'anyone' else. I checked him over at chore time and couldn't find any wounds; I've continued to check him over periodically in case I missed anything. Nothing – although is it my imagination, or has he started to look ever-so-slightly less fat and shiny? If not my imagination, than probably seasonal; he's losing some winter 'insulation.' He's been his usual lovable/ornery self; here he was Tuesday, lounging on the hay:
But this morning I sat down to give Chuckie some lap-time during chores, and the niggles turned to nagging, and then noisy sirens. His purr was subdued, his left hind foot was shaking, and his tail was super-sensitive. I looked closer, and could see that he had a couple angry-looking toes. Then he started meowing in a quiet, complaining way, and I noticed he was shaking, like he had a fever. Fortunately Rick hadn't left yet, so he got me some antibiotics from his truck for a likely infection/abcess.
So now my cat and I are both on amoxicillin (mine is prophylaxis after my tooth extraction).
Chuckie wasn't interested in his cat food this morning, but he did take a salmon treat before I insulted him with a dropper full of Clavamox. He took it better than I thought he would, though; I suspect that will change as he starts to improve. I will keep plying him with salmon treats in an effort to stay in his good graces.
Speaking of plying, here is my spindle this morning:
It's gone from deep purple to blue and is now going green – like a lot of trees and shrubs around here!
Some aren't to the greening stage yet, but are pregnant with promise:
The rain we got earlier this week certainly helps:
I haven't cast on a hat yet (I need more votes!), but I did get my yarn wound into a lovely gradient cake:
I'm thinking the purple at the crown and the red/orange at the brim. I need to take another vote!
That's it for now from . . .