Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Training for le Tour

Now that my big knitting project is done (with yarn I knit started during last year's Tour de Fleece), I've started training for this year's Tour. I'm warming up my newest Jenkins Turkish spindle, a Bubinga Finch, with the sample fiber that came with it:
started during Brian's violin lesson yesterday
and I'm warming up my miniSpinner with some Sweet Grass Wool Targhee top that a friend gave me. Once spun, I'll knit it into some fingerless mitts for her, as these are her colors.
started while filling in at Rick's clinic today

Don't you just love "forced down-time"? There's always something fun to keep my hands and mind occupied!

By the time the construction workers left yesterday, all the trusses (I think) were in place on the winery building, so here is an updated photo:
Yes, it is a huge building, and yes, it will bring more traffic to our road – but not by our house which is further down the dead-end lane. For that I am thankful.

That's it for today from . . .


Kim said...

great sweater! you did a wonderful job.

Tombstone Livestock said...

I agree great job on the sweater.

sewbeezy said...

Sweater looks really nice on you. Well done!

thecrazysheeplady said...

Your sweater looks great!!!

Susan said...

That sweater is lovely! It fits wonderfully, too. I got a drop spindle kit from Sarah and I am bound and determined to learn how to use it. I'm glad the winery is far enough away from you to not be too bothersome. Let's hope the patrons don't sample too many varieties and head in the wrong direction!

Unknown said...

Your sweater looks GREAT! Fits like a dream, too!

Have fun spinning...

Sandy Livesay said...

The sweater you made and are modeling is beautiful.
You did a great job!!!

Maureen said...

I am so amazed at spinners... it is incredible to me that you make your own yarn. What a beautiful sweater!