Thank-you all for your kind words in the comments to my last post and in private emails, along with your prayers, cyber-hugs, sympathy, and understanding. The hardest part of having these wonderful creatures who trust and depend on us is making decisions of life and death. And when death is the only merciful option but they "do not go gentle into that good night," but "rage, rage against the dying of the light," it is utterly devastating, at least to me.
I would still be sobbing if I didn't keep turning my thoughts to other things. I know people who are dealing with much worse circumstances in their lives, so I pray for them; I've spent more time with my other sheep; I've buried my face often in my horse's neck and in Jackson's fur. "Life," of course, goes on, so I work and do chores and homeschool Brian.
My little "Indian" built a campfire this week |
Yesterday I cleaned up some dusty hay debris from the barn and spread it in the chicken yarn, which made for happy hens, which in turn made me smile.
To all my new followers who came to Boulderneigh through Vicki's Grow Your Blog Party, I apologize for not being all "sweetness and light" here. My blog generally stays away from most of life's less pleasant aspects, at least the ones that have to do with people (like politics!). We all deal with those; they come and go. But my heart has always gravitated to animals, and because this is, predominantly, a "farm blog," some of the trials and travails of country living do find their way here. That's only honest, and perhaps even helpful for others sometimes. Certainly, having a community who cares helps ME! Thank-you again.
I am enjoying following some new blogs myself because of Vicki's party, and have become more of a
(n armchair) world traveler because of it. Rose Fern is in Greece, and is giving away
the cutest little earbud pouch on her blog. Check it out!
Peace to you, from . . .