Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Pulling the pugs

Last night the pugs left for their forever home. The lovely couple who took them are relatives of a church friend, and already have a little black pug who is missing her recently departed dachshund friend. They were praying for another pug to love, and we were praying for the perfect home for them; God does answer prayers, yes, even the "small" ones. (Still praying for good homes for a couple more sheep and one fleece!) Rick, Brian, and I were all a bit sad, as Rosie and Woody were charming, adorable little characters, but we know they will be happier where they have the run of the house, a fenced yard (they were an escape risk here, so had to always be on lead), more attention, and no intimidating big dogs or mean sheep. (Once, when Rosie took off through the middle pasture when the sheep were out, Marta took issue with the strange little black "wolf" and rolled her!) Here are some snaps of the photogenic duo during their temporary reign at Boulderneigh:

Blogger is back to normal and I'm happy. Except that I'm scared. This electronic stuff over which I have no control matters waaay too much to me. I think the bottom line is that I want emails and phone numbers for all my blogpals, so that if Blogger or even the internet dies, our friendships don't have to. See that email link on the right? Send me your info!!! Unless I scare you. Which I could totally understand.  ;-)

That's it for my ravings today, from . . .


Unknown said...

So glad to see the pups found a new home.

Mama Pea said...

This looks like the perfect forever home for those two little critters. Bless you and your family for providing them with safe, loving interim care! So, so happy to know they stayed together.

Theresa said...

Oh, you'll miss he Pug Love no doubt, but doesn't it feel good to find such a great home for those two!
They certainly did look like a regal pair. And their new home will certainly have a bounty of pug mugs with three!

Tombstone Livestock said...

Looks like the pugs have found a happy home. I thought the blogger problems were mine alone glad to see back to normal today.

Spinners End Farm said...

Awwww.....they look like lovely people! Your family has done a good thing and Kudos to your hubby for taking the stand originally. I became a wildlife biologist instead of a vet (my first career choice) because I didn't think I could face putting down people's pets because they didn't want them anymore (I understand this situation was a bit different, but still....).

Retired Knitter said...

Such a perfect match. And such great pictures. With black dogs you have to get the light just right.

sylkan said...

What a happy outcome. I love the photo of the pug on Rick's lap. I'm on my first cup of coffee, and my first impression was that the dog had an appy butt. Then I saw it was a blanket. On to second cup soon,

Thistle Cove Farm said...

gosh. when will I learn my comments don't go through unless it says Thistle Cove Farm underneath? _LAM_
Thanks for this good news, Michelle, I've said a prayer, or three, over those pugs.

Laura said...

You're pretty scary... I'm glad the puglets found a great home. I got to visit the "grandpug" while in San Diego - they are such a hoot!

Tammy said...

So glad you were able to transition the pug duo to a lovely home. Hopefully the resident pug will be delighted with her new friends and all will live happily ever after. God uses us sometimes to just be a temporary sanctuary for the little furries.


Susan said...

It just does my heart good to see this. You and your family are the best! How could the puglette pair not go to a wonderful home, with you looking out for them. Wish I was closer, as I would be sorely tempted to add Shetland to my mix...

Michelle said...

I thought you'd all like an update. I called Fern the morning after they picked up the puggles and got a good report. There was no animosity between any of the dogs, and Woody and Rosie are both comfortable with their new people. Fern was spending time working in their finished basement and Woody seemed afraid of the stairs, but Rosie was staying close and jumping into Fern's lap whenever she sat down. Penny, the resident pug, was trying to initiate play with the newcomers, play-bowing and running away to initiate "chase," and shaking and offering a stuffed teddy bear. No takers yet, but I think that will come.

Kelly said...

That story just about made me cry with happiness.....I get a bit wet in the eyes when things turn out this well. I always worry when I can't just tell animals what's going on. I wish I had a way to just explain things to them so they didn't get so stressed. Breaks my heart. So glad this has a happy ending, thanks to your family.