Once again I've struggled to find the time to whip my photos and ideas into a coherent post. Each passing day makes the coherent part harder. An acceptable title is more than half the battle; when this one came to mind (and stuck, being the earworm that it is) I could sit down and write.
My Japanese maples have leafed out in all their perfections of form. I do believe their spring colors are as arresting as their fall finery!
The fruit tree blossoms are fading fast; these are on my Braeburn apple tree.
And look! My baby fig tree, still in its pot awaiting its permanent position on our place, has two wee figs forming!!!
Other flowers are busting out all over. The Pink Walloper rhody that Brian and I got Rick one year for Father's Day is covered with an embarrassment of riches:
This morning I noticed that the first iris of the year was unfurling, and hurried over to get a picture. It was quickly photobombed by my sidekick; I pulled her away before she ate a bud. Then she proceeded to check out the perennial bachelor's buttons, and ate the head off a blooming volunteer crimson clover.
Tuesday was a bad day for birds here. Without amy prior red flags, Brian found one of our olive-egger hens dead in the run (turns out it was the one who laid brown eggs), and not too long after that I spotted something in the middle pasture just over the fence from the yard. When I walked over to investigate, I was heartbroken to see it was one of the bluebirds that has been hanging around this spring.
No photos of bees, but there is this "B," now officially registered for his freshman year of college: 😱
He wanted to have a campfire this evening, so we roasted veggie weenies and vegan marshmallows to go with our quinoa tabbouleh salad.
There's that photobomber again!
So that's it for April. It has surely been an unusual month; it would be nice if things start returning to 'normal' (whatever that is) in May. But "Que sera sera' (another earworm!); whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see; que sera sera."
That's it for now from . . .