I now know an Advent spinning project is dangerous. I am a goal-driven person, and keeping up with each daily fiber snack is a fun goal. I am also striving to finish my Ariya sweater in time to wear it for Christmas, despite a setback. (I forgot to switch to smaller needles for the second cuff and had to rip it back. I might also run out of yarn, and have to rip back some of the first cuff so they match.) Keeping up with daily tasks and part-time jobs is mostly non-negotiable. So what gives? Holiday preparations. Except for mother and MIL, for whom I have no ideas, all my Christmas shopping is done. But I feel no burden to get and decorate a tree, don't plan to send cards or an annual letter, and haven't thought about holiday baking. I don't feel scroogie, just disinterested. I suppose it really isn't fair to blame the lack of holiday spirit on my Advent spinning, though. Between all the challenging changes being forced upon our veterinary practice in the very near future and all the questions, costs, and challenges of knee replacement surgery in the slightly less near future, I think I'm maxxed out. Stir in the sad realization that sweet Bud needs to be euthanized, and, well, keeping my head and spirits above water seems a big-enough goal.
And with that I'll just share photos. Next week I'm swamped with appointments, and the week after that is Christmas. I'll do my best to at least post Advent spinning and IG/FB photos along the way.
Bernadette has been 'singing' like her namesake Ms. Peters, proclaiming her desire to meet a ram, any ram. Sure glad sheep heat cycles are short! |
Me and my spindle, festively dressed for our first holiday 'do' of the season! |
Today's ewe in (raging) heat. She may not have her namesake's eyes, but she does share Bette Davis' vocal cords! |
Some of our lovely laying ladies. This morning they went walk-about, but Rick and I managed to corral them all again before the hawks and raccoons found them. |
Sun's up! |
I don't knowwhat plant produces these white berries, but they sure 'pop' in the winter-dark woods. |
My Christmas sweater? Had a little setback but hoping to finish this in time. |
That's it for now from . . .
I'm so sorry about Bud. :-( Your sweater looks wonderful, and I think you are not the only person who doesn't really have major Christmas spirit this year. As you mentioned - you have so much on your plate at the moment. That takes a lot of energy. I'm usually the Queen of Christmas - this year, not so much. For me, I think it's the state of the world at the moment. I hope you will get some good news about your knees soon :-)
I am so sad about Bud; he's a sweet little fellow and would have made a wonderful fiber pet. But a three-legged sheep would be at risk in most flocks; sheep are not the meek and mild creatures depicted in Nativity scenes.
Looks like your sweater will be done in time for Christmas. It looks great! For myself, I'd be fine doing no Christmas decorating, but Dan loves it, so we at least have a little tree and I change the dining room table runner and centerpiece. The fiber samples look like a lot of fun. I hope it keeps you focused on happier things than Bud and your surgeries.
I always LOVE seeing your spinning. I am always inspired and it makes me thing “Where ARE my spindles?” Believe me when I say, if my grand daughter wasn’t coming for Christmas Eve - I would put no tree up at all. My husband has never been a decoration guy - it was all my desires - and this year my energy levels are low. I did purchase a smaller artificial tree last year but this year when I pulled it out - the tree stand was missing! So there was a delay in getting it up while I waited for Amazon to deliver a new one. My memory is getting worse and worse. It is worrisome. The tree stand is the latest in a long list of thing I have lost. *sigh*
Sorry to hear about bud. I do admire all of your handiwork. It is beautiful. As for the jollity of the season, I have been trying, but currently fighting a sickness (possible virus) while a handyman is here repairing drywall, and renovating the same room (all before Christmas). The tree is not up. I have not shopped. I have no baking ingredients for any such holiday fare, and have still been expected to host for my own kids (which may not even happen). I'm not a grinch, just delayed with trying to feel better, and survive.
Rick has brought up getting a tree a couple times but Brian has said nothing. Considering both of them grumble about tree decorating and undecorating, that's not a lot of motivation!
I do love and use my spindles, Elaine. As for your memory, I think you're the most motivated "de-clutterer" I know, so maybe you just got rid of stuff!
Sounds like we are baling out similar boats, PWaH! I have hinted to my MIL that SHE host Christmas this year, since she has a tree up.
I'm sorry to hear about Bud. It's a hard thing. As for Christmas decking, some years we do and some we don't. It's never a big deal around here. Hang in there. I hope the vet office matter will resolve smoothly and that your knee replacement goes well. (I've had both done.)
Some years are just like that so don't make yourself miserable about it. So sorry about Bud. If you were closer he could move into Easy Breezy, but alas. Your sweater will be fine and I can't wait to see it :-).
i'm so very sorry to hear about Bud. you've had a tough stretch, that's for sure. wishing you a very mellow, drama-free christmas and new years filled with lots of spinning time. those fiber snacks look scrumptious!
sorry that was submitted as "anonymous" by mistake!
Your Advent spinning project was fascinating! All of your pictures of the samples are just beautiful! Do you think you would do that again?
And did you finish your lovely sweater in time to wear it? I hope so! I hope you will publish a picture of you wearing it!
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