Monday, May 21, 2012

Wet petal contest

After an unusually long dry spell for this time of year, it started raining yesterday (fortunately stopping during the dressage show Larry and I competed in). The white iris are melting like the Wicked Witch of the West, but the brown iris are flaunting their raindrops like diamonds. (As always, you can click to biggify any photos.)

Hopefully some rain will keep the grass growing for awhile longer, which helps the hay bill and keeps the sheep and horses happier!

That's it for today from . . .


~~Sittin.n.Spinnin said...

You win! :D

Shula said...

Very pretty. It hasn't stopped raining all day here. Must get some new pictures of my Japanese Maple though as I love how delicate it is.

farmlady said...

Beautiful! I love the dark irises...
"flaunting their raindrops like diamonds."
They are lovely flowers aren't they?
Enjoy the cooler weather. I am. Summer will hit soon and there will be no more "diamonds".
Lovely photos.

farmlady said...

I sent a comment and Google ate it.
These photos are beautiful! I love the dark irises "flaunting their raindrops like diamonds."
Enjoy the cool weather. Soon summer will rage and there will be no more "diamonds".
Lovely photos!

Michelle said...

Farmlady, Google didn't eat your comment; I have comments on moderated status so that no one has to mess with those pesky word verification puzzles but I can avoid the spam. It's still raining; there's a pretty new yellow iris out there getting wet!