Tending fine-fleeced Shetland sheep and a whole lot more on a small acreage in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Fire and ice
After what feels like A-G-E-S on some fronts, things are starting to happen.
I now have a surgery date, April 9, along with assorted pre- and post-op appointments on my calendar. A week after my ortho appointment I had a pre-op appointment with one of the anesthesiologists at Salem Hospital. The good news is that he, too, thinks I am an optimal candidate for a bi-lateral knee replacement surgery based on my labs and EKG. The not-so-good news is that my BMI limits the total amount of anesthesia that can be administered; since the spinal and sedation are non-negotiable, that means that the nerve blocks needed for two legs will have to be carefully calibrated and I can't get as much as a heavier person would. Cue a tougher recovery – but hey, it's still only one recovery. (I'm trying to focus on the positive but yes, I'm a little nervous about the surgery and recovery.)
We have finally secured a new location for the clinic. After looking for months, DH and I happened to drive past an small office building a week ago tonight and I spied a sign. I told Rick to turn around, I noted the broker's name and number, and sent her a text. Late Monday afternoon she sent me some information which sounded promising, and we went to look at it. Before we left, she had talked with the owner and we made a verbal commitment to a three-year lease. My boss at my part-time job is going to sublet from us as her current space is both bigger and harder to access (stairs) than she needs, which will make it more affordable for us. We already have keys, although some work (replace flooring, build a dividing wall) has to be done before we can all move in.
The "For Lease" sign is now gone!
No replacement secretary/receptionist yet, but we have interviewed several. In looking over my recent posts, I don't think I mentioned that Rick's secretary went from halftime on January 1 to, rather abruptly, full retirement at the end of January. So I have been 'as busy as ten things' as my mom used to say, doing twice-daily barn chores and what house chores I can squeeze in while working two jobs and trying to become more proficient at ALL the tasks at the clinic. It's enough to make me almost look forward to the enforced downtime after surgery!
an increasingly rare ride
In the meantime, we have run the full gamut of PNW winter weather. January was cold and mostly dry, while February brought first a dusting and then a blanket of snow that lasted three days. Now we're back to typical rain and above freezing temperatures. The hens and Stella are responding to the lengthening daylight with more eggs and shedding hair (Lance holds on to his winter coat far longer).
I'm still posting to IG/FB as I can. Here is what I've posted since I last blogged.
"Lance enjoying a sloppy-good roll after the arena footing thawed."
"From awkward (Lance yesterday) to elegant (Poppy today). We have all kinds here!"
"I love public art! (Taken at Salem Hospital after pre-op appointment.)"
"If you are looking for the beauty, it's easy to ignore the power lines."
"Fire in the hole!" (two photos)
"Leo's morning bliss: warm hearth, full tummy, and LOVES."
"Well-camouflaged visitor this morning."
"Full moon in a clear sky. Not a common winter occurrence here!"
"Preparing for even colder weather (the barn cat wants to prepare by becoming a house cat)."
"The hot-rodder and the plodder. Lance, born and raised in Lincoln City, hated the wind and snow in his face; Stella, born and raised in southern Oregon, wasn't at all fazed."
"Good morning! A winter parfait of snow/ice/snow here."
"I hadn't filled our feeder in a year, but in the recent snow, birds showed up looking for fuel. Of course I obliged (with black oil sunflower seeds). A little bird must have told this hungry soul."
"Today's neighborhood entertainment–a training burn. The fire crews were gathering when we left this morning; an inferno was raging when we returned three hours later."
I'm so glad you'e made significant progress on the new vet office. That had to be a huge burden. I've had both knees done but certainly not at the same time. (One six months after the other.) Do your exercises beforehand to strengthen your legs hamstrings, calves, ankles and core. It will make a huge difference. My after surgery therapy was at home through Force Therapeutics starting the day after surgery, and then progressing as time passed. By the time I returned for my one month checkup, my knee action was pretty much back to normal range. I did continue the prescribed exercises. Good luck. dear girl.
Having therapy at home would be a huge help, Sue, as I live a half-hour from anywhere and will have to coordinate with the volunteers I'm assembling to get rides to town. My surgeon does recommend a home PT unit, but it is supplemental to "real" PT. I'm doing what I can beforehand, but with the hours I'm working I know I am not as active as usual. The kind of riding I do is very much a core exercise, but I'm lucky to get on Stella once a week now.
I'm so happy for you that you found a surgeon to do them both at the same time - I know that's what you really wanted. And what great news about the new location for the clinic!! Yay!!! Hopefully a new office person will be next so you can get back to fewer responsibilities - you're going to need to all your energy to focus on PT and recovery. I know you'll be great at it!
My surgery (which was minuscule compared to yours) was yesterday. Yes, the nerve block is wonderful until it wears off. My BMI was way higher than yours so I probably had more nerve block than you will - FINALLY a plus to being overweight. :-) My surgery was at 8:00 am yesterday and the nerve block wore off at bedtime. They will give you drugs to manage the pain. I have two points of advice ... they are: 1) Take those meds on time even if you aren’t sure you need them. Staying ahead of the pain is better than trying to beat it into submission later. 2) Use a walker. We had one here and it was so much better for mobility than a cane during the early days/weeks. Both of my ‘words of wisdom’ come from experience - and I am sure you will hear something similar if you haven’t already. You probably have a lot of leg strength already, being younger and way more active than me. But before my surgery I had been doing leg exercises to help reduce stress on the knees (and maybe heal them without surgery - which was a fail for me.). I can tell you, however, that the leg strengthening made a BIG difference for me now. I haven’t blogged about this yet, but the pre-surgery exercises are of equal importance to the pain med post surgery. So your current active life style will pay off in recovery. Keeping in you in my thoughts..
Amen on the new office person; I am so fragmented by all the hats I'm currently supposed to be wearing that I feel on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Thanks, Elaine; I do know enough to keep on top of the pain meds just from dealing with my knees so far. I have had two or three offers for walkers; I definitely plan to take advantage of one. So glad to hear that all that PT you did before surgery was beneficial, even if it didn't keep you off the operating table!
Congrats on securing an office space for the vet practice! I hope you are able to fill the reception position quickly. Having both knees done at once is hard (my mom did that years ago ) but with your drive and energy, I expect you will heal and rehab like a champ.
I'm so glad all things are coming together for you and Rick. The office building. you found looks really nice! I hope all the prep work before moving in, will go well.
And I pray that you will find a good sub for your two jobs. At least you won't have to climb stairs.
I was glad to have complete anesthesia for my bi-lateral knee replacement surgery in 1998. I know that Hugh Downs was awake for his surgery, and was talking with the surgeon. They filmed the whole thing and showed it on TV.! I didn't want to hear my bones being sawed! My recovery went well. I've had the left one re-done a few years ago. The right one is still the original replacement! They were only supposed to last 10-12 years!
I'm a homeschooling, horse training, animal loving, garden growing, part-time business running, spinning and knitting shepherd who loves the Great Shepherd.
That's excellent news about a location for Rick's clinic. So many good things happen providentially.
It sounds like your surgery and recovery will be a challenge, but your're right about getting it all over at once!
I agree, Leigh! The new place was vacant for eight months; I think the good Lord was holding it for us.
I'm so glad you'e made significant progress on the new vet office. That had to be a huge burden. I've had both knees done but certainly not at the same time. (One six months after the other.) Do your exercises beforehand to strengthen your legs hamstrings, calves, ankles and core. It will make a huge difference. My after surgery therapy was at home through Force Therapeutics starting the day after surgery, and then progressing as time passed. By the time I returned for my one month checkup, my knee action was pretty much back to normal range. I did continue the prescribed exercises. Good luck. dear girl.
Having therapy at home would be a huge help, Sue, as I live a half-hour from anywhere and will have to coordinate with the volunteers I'm assembling to get rides to town. My surgeon does recommend a home PT unit, but it is supplemental to "real" PT. I'm doing what I can beforehand, but with the hours I'm working I know I am not as active as usual. The kind of riding I do is very much a core exercise, but I'm lucky to get on Stella once a week now.
I'm so happy for you that you found a surgeon to do them both at the same time - I know that's what you really wanted. And what great news about the new location for the clinic!! Yay!!! Hopefully a new office person will be next so you can get back to fewer responsibilities - you're going to need to all your energy to focus on PT and recovery. I know you'll be great at it!
My surgery (which was minuscule compared to yours) was yesterday. Yes, the nerve block is wonderful until it wears off. My BMI was way higher than yours so I probably had more nerve block than you will - FINALLY a plus to being overweight. :-) My surgery was at 8:00 am yesterday and the nerve block wore off at bedtime. They will give you drugs to manage the pain. I have two points of advice ... they are: 1) Take those meds on time even if you aren’t sure you need them. Staying ahead of the pain is better than trying to beat it into submission later. 2) Use a walker. We had one here and it was so much better for mobility than a cane during the early days/weeks. Both of my ‘words of wisdom’ come from experience - and I am sure you will hear something similar if you haven’t already. You probably have a lot of leg strength already, being younger and way more active than me. But before my surgery I had been doing leg exercises to help reduce stress on the knees (and maybe heal them without surgery - which was a fail for me.). I can tell you, however, that the leg strengthening made a BIG difference for me now. I haven’t blogged about this yet, but the pre-surgery exercises are of equal importance to the pain med post surgery. So your current active life style will pay off in recovery. Keeping in you in my thoughts..
Amen on the new office person; I am so fragmented by all the hats I'm currently supposed to be wearing that I feel on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Thanks, Elaine; I do know enough to keep on top of the pain meds just from dealing with my knees so far. I have had two or three offers for walkers; I definitely plan to take advantage of one. So glad to hear that all that PT you did before surgery was beneficial, even if it didn't keep you off the operating table!
Congrats on securing an office space for the vet practice! I hope you are able to fill the reception position quickly. Having both knees done at once is hard (my mom did that years ago ) but with your drive and energy, I expect you will heal and rehab like a champ.
Sorry, didn't mean to be anonymous!
I'm so glad all things are coming together for you and Rick. The office building. you found looks really nice! I hope all the prep work before moving in, will go well.
And I pray that you will find a good sub for your two jobs. At least you won't have to climb stairs.
I was glad to have complete anesthesia for my bi-lateral knee replacement surgery in 1998. I know that Hugh Downs was awake for his surgery, and was talking with the surgeon. They filmed the whole thing and showed it on TV.! I didn't want to hear my bones being sawed! My recovery went well. I've had the left one re-done a few years ago. The right one is still the original replacement! They were only supposed to last 10-12 years!
Take care!
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