Monday, July 23, 2018

Local updates

All's quiet on the sheep front. After the trio left, I pulled Bette out of the ewe group to keep her twin Butler company in the Ram-ada Inn (separated by a divider; no incest!), but she made it clear NO one would get any sleep with that arrangement. So I swapped her out for Vienna, and now everyone is settled. Butler is scheduled to go to his new home next Tuesday.

Is anyone else absolutely fed up with Blogger's process to prove you're not a robot?!? I have given up on leaving a comment several times lately because it takes SO. LONG. to click on all the corresponding images. I had to go through this to leave comments on my own blogs (so that your comments get emailed to me, another unnecessary hassle) – even though I have comment verification TURNED OFF. Grrr. So if I'm not commenting on your blog like I usually do, now you know why. There are only so many hours a day I can spend on my laptop....

The other day I went out to the garden and found this:

I was dumb-founded; I just saw the first blooms a couple days ago! There were only enough for my breakfast, but they will need to be picked regularly from here on out. I've finally got BIG tomatoes turning red (we've eaten two small ones),
cucumbers getting big enough to pick, green beans setting, bell peppers swelling, and basil burgeoning. The parsley is paltry and the eggplants take forever; the squash plants look fabulous, dahling – if you're not looking for something to pick. Fortunately a neighbor brought a couple boxes of summer squash to the neighborhood picnic Sunday so I have some to tide me over for awhile.

Yesterday it started heating up again. While the guys sweated it out continuing work on the new permanent fence around our upper pasture, I mostly looked for jobs to do inside where it was cool(er). One of those was dragging out my Featherweight Singer and mending at least six sheep suits.

I'm still spinning along on the Tour de Fleece, too. I'm striving to spin up all the dark brown Shetland on my miniSpinner, and use my Jenkins horn spindle in as many different locations as possible. This evening I'll be spinning at the coast; ahhhh. Rick and Brian are stopping by to pick me up any minute and then we are headed to a vet call there together. I don't often get to take advantage of it, but it is SO nice to have a coast to flee to when the valley is sweltering. It's almost 40 degrees cooler over there right now!

After the TdF ends on Sunday, July 29, I'm going to try out these babies:
Wicked-looking, huh? Those are double-pitch wool combs and I'm going to use them to prep the messy neck fleeces I've been loath to toss. But first I'll have to do some washing. Fleece will dry quickly in this heat!

Bye for now from . . .


  1. Does my blog make you jump through hoops to comment? You can always email me using the link in the right-hand column!

  2. It doesn't Michelle, as easy to comment as ever. Those are some wicked combs. Nightmare on Elm St. stuff! Have fun at the coast.

  3. it's asking me to prove I'm not robot.

  4. Isn't that strange, that one of you has to prove you're not a robot and the other doesn't? I think Blogger has gotten really messed up. (Oh, and I have to prove that I'm not a robot, too!)

  5. I only have that silly checkbox to prove I'm not a robot. Not as irritating as the ones where you have to make out the twisted and blurry letters.

  6. I haven't had any problems with your blog in commenting. Have you had problems on mine? I used to use the email function that allows me to review the comments BEFORE they are posted, but that started blocking some users entirely so I can't go back to that feature. And I can't have unmoderated comments because of the spammers that have no life except to make mine crazy. Oh well.

  7. No problem here, either. I wonder why some blogs have it and others not... Where did you get those fabulous combs, may I ask? I am facing a pile of VM'd out fleeces and need to call in the heavy artillery!

  8. Easy-peasy for me to comment here. I just have to check the box that says I'm not a robot. (What happens when the robots learn to check the box?) Read your comment on my blog saying you have to jump through all those other dump hoops to comment. Dang. I don't think everyone is having that same problem, but I'll have my computer guru daughter look at the problem when she stops in later today.

  9. MiniKat, I like the twisted letters better than having to click on "all the images with storefronts" over and over and over while they keep reloading more images!

    Commented on yours, RK, with no problems.

    Susan, Halycon Yarns has the best price out there, new or used. Here's the link:

    Thanks for letting me know, Mama Pea. I don't mind just checking a box; I hate having to select all the photos on a theme – which I have to do TO COMMENT ON MY OWN BLOG! Grrr....

  10. I too have Indigo combs single row though. When I bought them they were $69.00+S&H.

    I got a pair of double row teeth from Majacraft this year and the price just about took my breath away $169.00 However they are fine combs and will be great on Alpaca and other speciality fiber. And tough on VM.

    1. PS
      No issues here my first comment just popped up when I hit publish.


  11. I too have given up when asked to identify numerous photos - especially as, with dodgy eyesight, I can't always see what is being asked for!
    Very frustrating!!
    And, in trying to avoid it, I'm now somehow coming up as Alison Wale and not Fat Dormouse and I can't change back!! Techno idiot.


I'm a blogger - I love comments! Oh, and you DON'T have to check that box proving you're not a robot; you'll still be able to leave your comment without it!