Thursday, July 26, 2018

Distractions from the heat

Well, our escape to the coast Monday afternoon wasn't quite what we planned, but it was better than staying in the valley. After looking at two horses on the edge of Lincoln City (I stayed in the truck and spun; you can see it was sunny there), we drove towards the beach itself to find something for supper and watch the sunset. But a wall of cold fog met us, almost obscuring the surf itself, so we sat in the truck and ate, then headed for home. As we moved away from the fog, I could see some sunset colors above the fog, but by the time Rick found a place to pull over, they were mostly gone. Still a pretty view of Devils Lake, though.

So no walking on the beach or sunset over the ocean, but it was nice to escape the heat for at least a little while.

On Tuesday my first-ever Penzeys Spice order arrived, thanks to a heads-up from my sister about a special offer. Love the pin and magnet (and what the company promotes), and the seasonings look yummy. Can't wait until it cools off enough for cooking to be more appealing....

Wednesday morning's sunrise was worth waking early for, and was followed by some clouds that gave welcome morning shade.

Unfortunately, there was work on the lot next to us, too. A caterpillar and tractor droned round and round for hours, sending brown clouds of dust over our fence. My poor horse with his compromised lungs; ugh.
I wasn't around much of the day to be aggravated, though, and the house was closed up against the dust so the heat pump could keep it at 80°. I gave a dressage lesson in the morning, and in the afternoon I met up with Wanda Jenkins and another Jenkins spindle fan for pleasant conversation and iced coffee while spinning. Wanda brought some spindles so I could snag a one for an interested friend . . . and I may have ended up with another one in my "spindle stable" as well....

When I got home, I made sandwiches for supper from our first big tomatoes, fresh basil leaves, our own eggs, and my homemade bread. They were yummy!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Leaving the first comment....

  2. I have more than one Penzy's blend in my spice cabinet. A very nice place to shop and more spices than you can shake a stick at! Did Wanda leave with any spindles to take home I wonder? And thank YOU!

  3. I've been using Penzys for years - used to go their first store in Milwaukee - let's not talk about how long ago that was! I'm a real snob about their vanilla and cinnamon; their Northwoods and Mural of Flavor are 2 of my standbys. I think you'll be happy with them. They're a lot more affordable when you keep an eye out for their specials, which they are kind enough to have frequently.

  4. Another Penzy's fan here - We need more companies like them - promoting peace, family values and compassion. I am a big fan of their rubs, too. If I don't grow or make the spice/seasoning myself, I buy it from them. Too bad about that dust - is it possible to talk to the developer/owner to ask them to be mindful of wind direction, etc.? Poor Lance. I sure wish I had some fibery friends to meet up with - it's so much more fun to knit/spin with like-minded people.

  5. Here's another fan of Penzeys! They have great stuff!
    Your visit sounds like a lot of fun. A girl can't have too many spindles!

  6. Lots more of interest in this post of yours, but you know I'm hung up on those beautiful tomatoes you grew! Oh, if only!!! I still have nothing but small green marbles on my cherry tomato plants.

  7. HUGE Penzy fan. I absolutely adore Mural of Flavor. Trying to cut down on my salt consumption and Penzy’s blends have really helped.
    BTW I enjoy your blog..

  8. I think of Penzy time to time. First got turned on to them by some of the fiber folks on the original Yahoo Sheep Thrills list. I need to think of them when I am online so I can order. Yummy items.

    Looks like a wonderful day in one of my favorite parts of Oregon. If my grand girls and I go back for a third adventure I will drop by for some Shetland snoozing.

  9. Obviously I'm late to the Penzeys party by the comments! But better late than never, and I'll have to try the Mural of Flavor several of you recommend.

    Theresa, I'm sure it wouldn't have bothered Wanda to only go home with her personal spindle since she brought them to be available; I'm so glad it worked out perfectly to get you one! It's on its way.... :-)

    Amanda, welcome and thanks for your comment! I'm on Penzeys email list now, so I should hear about their specials. :-)

    It WAS fun, Jeanne. The Jenkins spindles are like potato chips....

    I just picked three more today, Mama Pea; come on over!

    Thanks so much, Monica; so glad to have you here.

    You'd be most welcome, Goatldi.

  10. I had forgotten all about Penzy spices! Thanks for the reminder. Lovely spices at a decent price. Your tomatoes and basil look great! I don't even think my basil came up this year.


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