Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Littles

I can't help it; they are too cute not to share!

The Littles, as I call Bree's twins and Babette's single, will be a week old tomorrow. They have "found their legs," much to the consternation of their dams – Babette especially. I didn't get to enjoy the older lambs at this age because we were in Nebraska and they were cooped up in the fold, so it is doubly delightful to watch these cuties. I took these photos and videos yesterday; now I'm off to let them enjoy a romp today. ;-)

That's it for now from . . .


  1. LOL, I never realized how loud sheep are! The littles are are cute and jumpy! :-)

  2. love the littles!! So sweet :)

  3. New life! There is nothing better!!


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