Friday, April 28, 2017

NOW for those flowers and feathers!

Visual delights come at us fast and furious this time of year, and I want to share some of them before they flee the scene! From our show-stopping flowering cherry to the flowers in my island bed, to the wee wildflowers in the pasture to the overwintered geranium recently relocated to the deck, these are just the newest entries in the grand floral parade at Boulderneigh.

We've had a parade of new birds flying in as well. The violet green swallows are back – and a pair of them appear to be setting up housekeeping in one of our nest boxes:

We've had a flurry of newcomers at the feeder, too, including evening grosbeaks (shoot; where did my photos of them go?), red finches, golden-crowned sparrows, Eurasian collared doves – and a bright male goldfinch.

Fortunately our feline seems to prefer rodents over birds. (I love how cats can be both graceful and goofy at the same time.)

I've started another Fair Isle hat out of leftovers (because Sheep Heid is FUN!):

and have some new fuzz for which to form a plan:

I agreed to knit something for charity with this BFL yarn Theresa spun and sent to me; I think it will make a fabulous cowl. :-)

That's a Friday FULL of Fs from . . .


  1. Such beautiful plantings! You are giving me the courage to try intarsia knitting. I love that hat. I believe I NEED to knit that hat. That handspun will be beautiful as a cowl. I wish we had a charity store for a rescue near me. I could make all kinds of things that I don't need myself but would like to knit. Can't wait to see your finished project!

  2. Oh, for flowers and green-ness! Beautiful, and thanks for sharing.

  3. Birds! I will miss feeding the birds in this condo. Cats are graceful beautiful creatures, and excellent hunters. Only partially domesticated I think. All part of their appeal.


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