Friday, November 13, 2015

Upon entering my double-nickel year

I just learned from Francis' blog that today is World Kindness Day. Sounds like a good thing in which to participate. Not that I ever try to be unkind, but according to a *few* people, I often come across that way. Sigh; the dance of diplomacy is exhausting....

Anyway, there is beauty all around (and, happily, under me again). The flowering cherry is starting to turn, framed by oak leaves below and still-green leaves on either side:
The Japanese maples in front of our porch are showing off,
and framing the headliner of the fall show beyond them:
Still glorious!

There's also more subtle beauty to be found, if you look down:

That's it for today from . . .


  1. That must mean best wishes are in order. The best to you in this momentous year. I hope you can enjoy all the beauty around you and your fellow humans and animals.

  2. Your part of the country is so beautiful, and you've landscaped your place to make it so lovely.

    You shouldn't have to do the dance of diplomacy ALL the time. Methinks those "few" people gang up on you because they can. You don't seem at all to be in any way unkind; don't let others make you into something that isn't good for your soul.

    So, is today your birthday?? If so, very happy birthday wishes to you!

  3. Well Happy Birthday Ms. Double Nickel.

  4. World Kindness Day did not work out so well...

  5. Thanks, Sharrie; I'll do my best!

    Yep, pretty much all the time, Mama Pea....

    I'm not double-nickel YET, Theresa. I'll celebrate that milestone once I've made it through the double-nickel year.

    We can't control others' actions, Donna, only our own.

  6. Well, then you can just be what I am then, 39 and some months.... ;-)

  7. Happy Birthday to a very kind woman :-).

  8. You've got so much beauty right in your yard. Gorgeous colors. Have a great day!

  9. Sounds like a TEN to me!
    Happy Birthday.

  10. Nah, Theresa; I don't go around flaunting my age, but I don't lie about it, either. I just hope most people assume I'm younger because I have a 13-year-old son! ha!

    Thank-you, Sara. The animals think so, so that's something. ;-)

    Yes, we do, Nancy Kay; thank-you!

    Thanks, Sandra!

  11. Happy belated birthday, Michelle! And if I'm reading right, I think we share a birthday, though I am a year ahead of you as I celebrated my double nickel, so have entered into the next year. And of course we also share a love of Shetland sheep. :-)

    1. Then a happy belated birthday to you, too, Maureen!

  12. A very happy (belated) birthday to you, Michelle! I have to say, your remark "I just hope most people assume I'm younger because I have a 13-year-old son!" brought back a memory I hadn't thought about in some years now. When my late husband and I attended our son's (he's now 36!) high school graduation, I was taken by the seemingly 2 distinct, different age groups of parents I saw there. The "younger" parents, such as myself (I was 22 when my son was born), and the "older" parents (who appeared to be the majority). I remember, at the time, feeling very "young" compared to many of the other mothers there. It was an unusual feeling, I thought, to be so aware of my age like that. We sat next to a co-worker of mine (who was an "older" parent), and I was so surprised at my own reaction to seeing the seemingly 2 different age groups of parents around me. Anyway, thank you for triggering a happy memory for me!

    Warm Regards,
    Lisa in Lake Oswego
    (Double-Nickel-Plus-A-Nickel This Year!)

    1. The birthday greetings are welcome whenever they arrive, Lisa; thank-you! I am somewhat insulated by whatever the parental reality is out there since we homeschool. There is a mix of ages in our homeschool co-op; I am certainly not the oldest mother there, but all the other "old" mothers didn't wait to have their FIRST one so late. ;-)


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