Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sure stressors

That would be neighboring chainsaws and teenage churlishness. Both have been grinding away.
So much for a "screen." This is the view due north of our house today (in rapidly changing light), through the few trees that remain. After they've been limbed up, they screen little more than scattered telephone poles would. :-(

Look away; look away. To a hard-working man who is cleaning gutters (and a teen who is supposed to be inside working on school),

to fall colors still brightening the near landscape.
We have many blessings. I keep reminding myself that the downers are First World problems; things could be far worse.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. They cleared the place to the bare bones :(
    I guess this teen prefer this view to his school work.
    Fall colors are just a nature's beautiful gift.

  2. I'm sorry they're taking down most of the trees. It's hard to lose the privacy they provide. The autumn colors are fading, and dropping, yet there's still lots of beauty all around.

  3. Yes, there are many worse things lurking out there we know but it is still a bummer. Keep your little lap friend close, they have amazing abilities to lower stress. In fact all of them do.
    You still have a beautiful place Michelle. What lovely barns.

  4. I know it's hard business right now. It's a huge change with nothing to do about it. Once they go away your new normal will take some getting used to, but at least you won't have to endure seeing hearing the slaughter every minute.

    Take care, my friend,


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