Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I weighed the possible ram-ifications...

...and still got a new ram. :-/

Actually a ram lamb and his dam.
(photos taken in July)

I only wanted that poll-carrying ewe, but it was a package deal. So I made plans to pick them up from the Chastains at Whistlestop Farm after OFFF - this week. Then Rick had a heart attack. I had to pause and reconsider my plans, given the three possibilities. 1) Rick and life will return to normal. 2) Rick will return changed and life will change. 3) Rick won't return and life will be turned on its ear. I decided that in each of these scenarios I still saw myself here, with sheep. And since I DID sell the sheep I needed to sell, and Rick and I had determined that Inky, my sole proven poll-carrier ewe, IS too thin to safely breed this year, I stuck to my plans. Only, how was I going to find the time to run up and get them? I have a set time frame in which to use Barish for breeding, so I was determined to find the time, somehow, this week. I called the Chastains on my way home from the hospital last night to see if there was any day this week they wouldn't be home, only to learn that they were making their own plans to deliver them! I was gobsmacked by their kindness, and thrilled they would be able to bring the sheep this morning.

New photos of the new sheep when I'm able. I'm off to pick up my husband!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Goodness to be...your life just got better. I think you had what I call a God Moment.. They are bring the sheep to your house.. How cool is that.. God knew just what you needed.. Hope your husband is doing good and recovers quickly. Have a great day....

  2. That's wonderful, Erin! Some gorgeous looking sheep there. I'm so glad your husband's on his way home (or already there by now) and on the mend. Best to you both.

  3. Oh Michelle, I've been out of the loop on the blogs lately! Best wishes to Rick, I'm glad he's already coming home. And congratulations on that nice looking ewe and her ram lamb. I really wanted a white polled ram this fall, but there didn't seem to be any to be found. I did manage to arrange purchase of a very nice polled ram lamb and I'm excited about him coming in mid-November.

  4. Oh holy smokes! At first I thought Rick had a figurative heart attack, because of the new ram. Then my eyes got big as saucers when I realized he really had a heart attack! Happy to hear he's on his way home and hoping life proceeds smoothly.

  5. Glad Rick is headed home. I'm sure this might mean some changes in a few areas, but it sounds like the cardiac event itself was less rather than more in the grand scheme of things - which I'm sure is a huge relief.

    You must be very tired . . .

  6. Congrats all around! :)

  7. Glad to know that your husband is doing better and home. Love your new sheep.:)

  8. I'm so glad to hear your husband is on his way home. I hope he fully recovers!

    GORGEOUS ram lamb and ewe! I love what I've seen of the Whistlestop lines. :)

  9. I just love a white sheep! Wishing you and your family all the best:)

  10. You've been smacked in the face with a blessing, a nice squeeze on the shoulder in the middle of the madness of late. Hope Brian's holding up well - bet he misses his dad.

  11. Thanks, everyone! Sharon, that's a perfect way to put it, and I DO feel blessed - both by the sheep delivery and my husband's homecoming. Brian is doing just fine, after the stress of the first day. We just have to keep him from getting too rambunctious with his dad, because dad is still a little sore!

  12. That ram lamb looks really nice in your picture. Enjoy your time home with your hubby. You're all in my prayers. When he starts getting grumpy and impatient.... he's on the mend :o).

  13. I'm so glad Rick is on his way home - or by now maybe home. Brian will be fine - probably a big help to both of you.

    Nancy in Iowa

  14. Your way of thinking about your ram-ifications makes so much sense to me, and I speak here as someone who has "been there, done that". Best to follow the whisperings of your heart, which means getting quiet enough to hear them...


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