Thursday, September 30, 2010

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

This morning something woke me early, and I laid there a bit before Rick awoke to lead worship. What a blessing to have the priest of our home - home! As we were finishing up, we heard Brian coming in; he had set his alarm and gotten up early to do chores - what an unexpected (and highly unusual!) blessing to start the day. Since he didn't know what I do with the sheep, I went down after breakfast and took care of them, snapping pictures of the new additions. Since the Chastains assign numbers rather than names to their sheep, I got to give them monikers. The ewe's name came to me quickly yesterday - she is definitely Annabelle. She is seven years old and not used to having humans in close proximity, so I am working slowly to gain her trust. When I first saw her I have to admit I thought her head rather homely, but it's growing on me quickly.

The ram lamb shall henceforth be known as Bunker; to me it fits his tank-like physique. I was rather surprised to see that he really isn't bigger than Blake, just longer; and has an entirely different "look.” One of his little scurs was knocked loose some time ago, and hangs at a wonky angle; when I catch him again (which isn't going to be easy), we'll cut it off. I also want to get fleece shots of both of them; incredible crimp on these two!

Both sheep are used to being worked by dogs, so are very alert to Jackson. Too bad Jackson isn't interested in working sheep!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. I should loan you Harry for an afternoon - he was really good with sheep until he got trapped against a fence and lost his nerve. He might actually be able to do it again!

  2. I'm so glad everything has fallen into place, your husband's health issues, your new sheep being delivered and your kind-hearted son's selfless offering of his time. What a great young man.

  3. You have just had a blissful day! Praise the Lord for his to all of you

  4. Great to hear that Rick is doing well! Good thing he went in and didn't ignore the symptoms. I just got back from the hospital myself I had to have a SVT ablation. Thankfully God answers prayers though.

    Nice new sheep. I had a ewe called Annabelle once. (She was white, but not a Shetland.)I really like the ram lamb. He looks a lot like my F1 Jings boy.

  5. Laura C., that's part of Jackson's problem. He got butted hard by a couple protective mama ewes when he was younger, so he's not just not interested in working sheep - he's SCARED of them!

    Laura, what is an SVT ablation?!? Doesn't sound good, but as you know, God is. :-) Thanks for the compliments on the sheep; I'm tickled!

  6. Something Mim keeps saying to me - Shetland covers such a broad group of sheep that there is no standard. They're as different as they are alike.


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