Friday, March 27, 2020

They just keep coming!

I'm talking about Poppy pictures. What did you think I was talking about?!? 😉

I've collected sooooo many photos that prudence dictates I not put them all in one post. Here is an adorable series from a week ago. Poppy was being unusually mellow.

Last Sabbath (before the social distancing mandate) my MIL came out for lunch, and then we all went for a walk through nearby Willamette Mission State Park. It was Poppy's first big outing, and she thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a beautiful day and lots of people were out enjoying it (Poppy wanted to meet them all); lots of wildflowers, too!

Even though we only walked about a mile and a half, Poppy was pooped by the end. I think it was as much all the sensory stimulation as it was the exercise!

Hopefully I can find time tomorrow to share this week's Poppy pictures.

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Those pictures of Poppy and Chuckie are so darn cute. Glad they are such good friends.

  2. Kind of amazing how Poppy and Chuckie get along so well. But, hey, why not? They're both loved and well-taken of animals. Very secure and happy with their home and place in the world.

  3. Elaine and Mama Pea, that time on the deck was so sweet precisely BECAUSE it was rare! Chuckie is not as willing to show up for Poppy-play because she's gotten so big and strong; Chuckie comes out with the raw end of the deal every time now.

  4. I'm sorry to learn that Poppy is overpowering Chuckie! They used to have such great fun! Poppy has really grown! She looked so beautiful when you were on your walk! I was a bit surprised that she got all tuckered out, but m maybe her owie foot made the difference.

  5. Love that Little Rock Star, Chuckie ! He is such a good big brother to that little Seems as though you should have named her “ Madam Mayor”.

  6. Jeanne, Chuckie DOES keep showing up, and never unleashes his full resources to defend himself, so I think he still likes 'his' puppy. As for the walk tiring Poppy, keep in mind that the route we took was about 1.5 miles; Poppy probably covered four times that with all her running back and forth and to and fro!

    Yes, wyomingheart, Chuckie is a great big (well, OLDER) brother to Poppy. 😍


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