Monday, March 30, 2020

Maybe it's the rain

Feeling overwhelming pressure from the number of photos in my "blog photos" file, I am forcing myself to do a blog post, when all I really want to do right now is escape. Escape what, exactly? I'm not sure, but I suspect it is like Julie says in her latest post:
It is a surreal feeling, to know that all this space is ours to inhabit, knowing how many people are confined to small apartments, even to cruise ship berths akkkkk!  afraid to leave for the contagion all around. Knowing this, and empathizing with people all around the globe, makes for a very unsettled state of mind, an agitation that never leaves you. I can feel the disturbance in the force. I can feel the panic, the unhappiness, the deprivation, the fear. It's a drumbeat under every breath we draw.

That makes trying to keep an active, intelligent, 15-week-old (as of today!) Decker rat terrier pup exercised and entertained, especially when it is raining outside and nothing I have to protect her splint from getting wet and dirty that lasts longer than a minute, particularly exhausting. She is understandably needy, and sometimes I have nothing left to give. Today she's spent waaaay too much time locked in the laundry room, first while I was gone to work (Brian was home but otherwise occupied), then after I got home with a headache and a short fuse (to keep her from igniting said fuse).

This (mood), too, shall pass. Yesterday was actually great. We expected rain, but got a one-day break. Rick and I took Poppy for a walk while Brian slept in; her joy in the little journey was infectious. She desperately wanted to play with the "neighbor boy" on the way home, but we didn't want another broken splint so had to disappoint her. (When we got back, we changed her bandaging.)

I turned Stella out to play, and got some great photos when Brian decided to interact with her.

Then I rode Lance up the hill. There were lots of blooming things to see, and a great view from the top.

When I got back, Brian helped me grade the arena, which it's needed for a very long time. But that means not using it until the rain stops and it dries out some, or it will be wasted effort.

Other accomplishments: Rick got all the caneberries and grapevines in our garden pruned, Brian did a little more weeding, I did laundry and made bread, brownies and supper.

So good riddance to today and here's to tomorrow at . . .


  1. That unsettled feeling permeates every one and every thing now-a-days .... except that Poppy!!

    Pandemics are a whole lot more fun the read about in a novel than to actually experience. This is the first day of a "Stay at Home" order by our governor punishable now by fine or imprisonment. No grand baby now till it is over, no adult kids, no grand dogs. The condo is very quiet and I am beginning to feel the silence of this isolation -and we are just starting what will be a multi-week event, if not a month, I fear. Thank God I still have social contacts by phone and computer. And my husband is here. I feel so bad for those elderly who have no spouse, no local or interested family, and little or no social circle - now that I have had a chance to feel what it is like.

  2. After reading your post, and not knowing what to say to help, I went on. I read 'Magnon's Meanderings' most mornings. He's an English guy who has lived in France for a long time. His post this morning is most eloquent. I'm not going to put a link here for security reasons, but I think if you just Google 'magnonsmeanderings' you'll find him. He likes to play the grouch (maybe he is!) and claims to be an aetheist, but he knows his bible and today uses it to teach us what what we need to hear. Good luck, and hang in there.

  3. I can't believe how much Brian has changed over the past year. He is a handsome young man. I think all of us feel unsettled. However, I do my best to not use negative words like "panic, deprivation, fear" etc. because they simply add to the problem, at least for me. Can't wait to see Poppy's shenanigans once her splint is gone.

  4. I find my nights have been restless, but I wake every morning and look at my garden start sprouts, and think of the possibilities that surround the day. We choose to watch the news for 15 minutes each day, and that’s it. Our church services have all been suspended, but we pray for our families and friends, our community, and our great nation. That’s just what we do. How much longer will Poppy need the splint? When we had our Curr-Lab mixed puppy, we used to give him empty boxes, like from cereal, crackers, etc. He loved to chew and throw them around. It entertained him very well.

  5. There are moments during the day when I forget the world we are presently living in. But, of course, reality comes rushing back in and I know we must all face the fact that our society will most likely never return to what it was a short month ago.

    As usual, love all your pictures. They are a joy to see. Keep 'em coming.

  6. Elaine, I don't even like books or movies about them, unless they are about history; I have never understood the appeal of fear/crises/disasters as entertainment. I can hardly wait until Poppy is 'unfettered;' I look forward to lots more walking!

    Thanks, Tim; I'll look him up! I follow the blogs of 2-3 other English expats living in France, but not him (yet). And I ALWAYS hang in there; Mama didn't raise no quitter! 😉

    FFG, I agree; negative words don't help, but sometimes the feelings need to be acknowledged. It is a waiting game – like waiting for the teen to grow up!

    My nights are undisturbed, wyomingheart, for which I am thankful. Our church services have all gone online, but our access to the throne room of heaven never changes. 😊

  7. Oh, Mama Pea; I have sooooo many pictures....

  8. Laughing at your son's 'I'm going to look cool and not smile' pictures. Don't let him know I'm laughing. That age! Thank goodness it does pass...eventually. :)

  9. What great pictures!! This time, I must say that my favorites are the ones of Brian and Stella. I wish I could meet them both.

    But sweet Poppy - She will always be a favorite. She's really growing. I seem to remember that you said she weighed 15 pounds at her vet appointment. That's more than Rico weighs! He's just gonna be a little dude, but so much fun.

    So does Stella not get any exercise while the arena is drying out?

  10. Helen, I'm clinging to that hope!!! 😆

    Jeanne, today I led Stella up and down the driveway, letting her graze here and there. She didn't seem to want to take off and run; she was mighty happy with the grass!


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