Friday, March 29, 2019

Me and my cat

Always listen to the brain niggles.

Just before Brian left, I awoke in the wee dark hours one morning to the sounds of a cat fight. I jumped up, opened our window, and called for Chuckie. There he was, barely discernible, in the yarn below; I didn't see 'anyone' else. I checked him over at chore time and couldn't find any wounds; I've continued to check him over periodically in case I missed anything. Nothing – although is it my imagination, or has he started to look ever-so-slightly less fat and shiny? If not my imagination, than probably seasonal;  he's losing some winter 'insulation.' He's been his usual lovable/ornery self; here he was Tuesday, lounging on the hay:

But this morning I sat down to give Chuckie some lap-time during chores, and the niggles turned to nagging, and then noisy sirens. His purr was subdued, his left hind foot was shaking, and his tail was super-sensitive. I looked closer, and could see that he had a couple angry-looking toes. Then he started meowing in a quiet, complaining way, and I noticed he was shaking, like he had a fever. Fortunately Rick hadn't left yet, so he got me some antibiotics from his truck for a likely infection/abcess.

So now my cat and I are both on amoxicillin (mine is prophylaxis after my tooth extraction).
Chuckie wasn't interested in his cat food this morning, but he did take a salmon treat before I insulted him with a dropper full of Clavamox. He took it better than I thought he would, though; I suspect that will change as he starts to improve. I will keep plying him with salmon treats in an effort to stay in his good graces.

Speaking of plying, here is my spindle this morning:
It's gone from deep purple to blue and is now going green – like a lot of trees and shrubs around here!

Some aren't to the greening stage yet, but are pregnant with promise:

The rain we got earlier this week certainly helps:

I haven't cast on a hat yet (I need more votes!), but I did get my yarn wound into a lovely gradient cake:
I'm thinking the purple at the crown and the red/orange at the brim. I need to take another vote!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Your opinion wanted on color succession AND hat pattern now!

  2. It does my heart good to see the beautiful nature shots that you take. We don't have any of that, but at least it has stopped snowing. Even the snow piles are becoming smaller. Thank you for adding beauty to my life.

  3. Love the yarn, love the 'bud' shots and hope Chuckie heals fast. Cats are so 'good' at hiding problems. I had one cat (A big white neutered male) who was always getting in fights. At one vet visit they suggested I get him neutered to keep him out of fights...ah, he already is neutered.

  4. I still like "the slouchiest" hat pattern best (the first one shown) and I'd have to vote for the purple/blue being the crown and ending with the orange/red/yellow near the face . . . 'cause my skin coloring looks terrible with purple next to it and I look much better in orange or red or yellow! (How's that for sound reasoning for you? Not. ;o} )

    Hope Chuckie's ailments aren't anything serious and he's back to normal soon.

  5. Poor Chuckie. This is why it's always good to spend some time with our critters.

    I love that yarn. Purple crown flowing to a red brim would be lovely.

  6. "But mom, you should have seen the other guy. I wasted him!" Poor Chuckie. One of your commenters was right. Cats are champs at hiding any injury or illness. Part of their innate survival mechanisms. They are only partially domesticated. We have always had cats. I love both but my husband is a dedicated fan of felines. He loves their independence. Hope Chuckie gets well. WE ALL love him.

  7. Oh - hat pattern. Slouchy - with purple at crown!

    Hugs for Chuckie.

  8. My vote is orange at the crown, or yellow....cheerier I my humble Hope that sweet little Chuckie heals up quick... I hate that when our furry kids get hurt... good that you got him on meds quick... please keep us posted, because we all love that little Guy!

  9. I agree with Mama Pea and Leigh on the potential knitting order. Something much more cheerful about the lighter colors creating the picture frame.

    Glad you caught up with Chuckie when you did. I was already formulating in my mind a post which would mention those sneaky little feline disagreements souvenir abscesses. Sometimes they take forever after a flesh puncturing encounter to mature.

    Happy all is well.

  10. Poor Chuckie - he really wants to be a house cat, I think . . .

  11. You're welcome, Sharrie! I hope your snow melts soon.

    Helen, after having two consecutive cats who never fought or had injuries like this, I realize I've been spoiled!

    Mama Pea, I'm leaning strongly towards BOTH your votes....

    Leigh, there's nothing like focused observation, is there?

    Elaine, I'll tell Chuckie he has to think of his fan base. ;-)

    Goatldi, I found another little scab on Chuckie's head this evening.

    Yes, he does, Adrienne!

    Wyomingheart, update given!


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