Thursday, March 28, 2019

Fits and starts

Yesterday was a busy day of appointments. I did have some time, in waiting and exam rooms, to ply. I like to think I give people something to look at while they are waiting; goodness knows I need something to keep myself busy! When I finally got home I was going to wind my Skittles yarn in order to cast on my chosen pattern, but started reading notes and found several bad reviews. I think the reviewers' issues could be solved with a tighter gauge/smaller needles, but do I want to chance it? So I looked through Ravelry for top-down hat patterns again, this time including patterns for purchase, and found this one. While not as slouchy as the first one, it has been made that way (example here). I only have around 150 yards and would like to use it all (hence the top-down preference). Which one would you vote for???

Other than pattern-waffling, my late afternoon/evening was totally unproductive because my gut started giving me grief for some supposed slight. I don't know if it's a complete coincidence or if I'm suffering from teenager deficiency, but my body seems to be sabotaging all my plans for getting things done while Brian is gone. Not that there was a lot of free time left after all the things I scheduled during these two weeks (I added a visit to the dermatologist next Monday after consulting with my ob/gyn yesterday)....

Unlike me, the chickens were very productive yesterday – nine eggs from ten hens!

This morning started with beautiful light:

I worked at the office job, attended and testified at a county commissioners' meeting on yet another proposed winery in our neighborhood, picked up horse feed, and got a haircut. Again, not a lot of time to get much done once I got home, but I did get Lance exercised, make supper and go for a two-mile walk with my husband, and take care of paperwork to get my four two-year-old ewes performance-registered with the Fine Fleece Shetland Sheep Association because I got their fleece histograms back from Texas A&M this morning. And with that, all nine of my breeding animals are performance-registered with FFSSA; hurray!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Please vote for a hat pattern!

  2. I vote slouchy version of the not your boring hat.

  3. Well, durn. I really like the first pattern you had picked out. That's probably not any help at all, is it?

    We got 13 eggs yesterday from 12 chickens. Okay, the thirteenth one was our first duck egg of the season!

    Sounds to me like you got a tremendous amount accomplished . . . including that walk with your hubby which was good for both of you. I'm hanging my head in shame in that the past couple/few days have seemed to refuse to stay in any kind of a planned routine and I/we have not been getting out for even a walk to the mail box and back. It's constantly up and going, but just not the "right" exercise I want. Must change.

  4. I vote too for the slouchy version of the not your boring hat.

  5. I vote for the slouchy version. They don't even look like the same pattern at all.

    Those eggs are just beautiful. Such artful hens!! They are trying to compete with their artful owners! Haha

    While taking care of my mom - towards the end - my body was just exhausted. After she died I came down with a bunch of things. I think I held off illness because it was mind over matter - my attitude? "I don't have time to be sick myself or taking care of myself." But it catches up with you. I got one little illness after another that winter. I am thinking you might be going through a little bit of that bodily reaction. You are probably carrying more stress in you than you are aware of. Build in some naps on this kid break. Take long walks - even when he returns. Your mental health horse is good (for both of you,) but getting a vigorous walk of 15 of 20 minutes is also good and can be done spontaneously. I never took this advice myself - and I really regret it. The wear and tear on the body from chronic stress doesn't go away over night.

  6. I think I like the not so boring hat better. Maybe because Boring is the next town over from me?? LOL

  7. Thanks, Theresa!

    Yes, it IS a help, Mama Pea! And Rick and I have walked together most days that Brian has been gone, 2-3 miles, even when I had vertigo; I NEEDED the fresh air with all the laying around.

    Thanks, DianeOart!

    Elaine, I commented on the slouchy version in hopes that the knitter would share how she accomplished that; I don't trust my skills to come up with a slouchy version on my own. And I've wondered about the effects of stress.... Of course, it could just be that I'm getting older!

    Thanks, Mokihana (you funny girl, you!).


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