Friday, August 03, 2018

Would you like mustard, too?

Because this is a ketchup post. 😉

Seems like there's nothing to post about and then a machine-gun of 'postables' goes off with no time to sit down and compose my thoughts. When I do sit down, like right now, I feel guilty because of all the other stuff I should be doing. Actually, right now I'm buried under a mountain of melancholy (more about that later) so composing a post might help distract me, so here goes. Lots of catch-up . . . and you may need some Kleenex, too.

First, here's the final shot from the Tour de Fleece showing all that I spun on my horn spindle and miniSpinner for the event:
I am continuing to spin alpaca on my horn spindle, and plan to start plying the Shetland on the miniSpinner soon. I want to get it done so I can spin THIS:
That's an unexpected treat from a friend that arrived just when I was feeling the need for some pink accessories in my wardrobe. In fact, I'd just ordered this:
Obviously my friend is a long-distance mindreader!

On Tuesday, thanks to my friend Kate, I delivered Butler to his new home in Auburn, WA. Here he is after I took his coat off before loading him in the truck:
On our way back, we stopped at the Black Sheep Creamery to buy some sheep milk cheese, and then visited the farm itself:

Kate has been investigating getting a few dairy sheep, and after meeting some of the ladies at Black Sheep, she's sold! She's become quite the knitter in the last year; I foresee spinning in her future, too.

Fortunately for Butler, the weather moderated in time for our trip. It was hot and smoky right up until the day before, making for a weird sunset during my evening ride around the vineyard, and an odd sunrise that morning:

Then we had a couple of pleasantly moderate days followed by two days of cool clouds; it was cool enough this morning to have a big, hairy lapdog,

and it even sprinkled a bit! Not enough to really settle the dust, but enough to make the dust stick better to a certain chunky mustang who likes to roll. 😏

Harvesting in the garden is now a regular, if not overwhelming, occurrence. The other day I picked our first zucchini and more tomatoes,

and this morning I went out to pick the first green beans but ended up burying them under cucumbers and snow peas, plus a few cherry tomatoes and peppers. Not more than I can carry, like this bee,
but enough to make a wilted cucumber salad and a smashed green bean salad (a new recipe a friend let me sample; yum!), along with deviled eggs and a chocolate orange zucchini cake as soon as I post this.

As long as I don't start watching videos again, I should be fine.

Last night Rick showed me a video on Facebook – and suddenly I GOT what my co-worker asked me yesterday! She asked if I was following "Kelley's kids" on America's Got Talent, and I said no, because I rarely have time to turn the TV on in the summer. I didn't realize she was talking about the Humlie kids, whose mother Kelley was a homeschool co-op board member, co-worker and friend until she died way too young from cancer a couple years ago. Her talented trio attended homeschool co-op with my son (I designed Manny's senior yearbook page!), performed locally, and now they are on the national – yea, international stage with songs they've written. These videos break my heart every time I watch them – and I've been watching them a lot since last night . . . because Kelley can't.


  1. From famine to feast, eh? That's how things tend to go. ;-)

    I"m glad Bulter's off to his new home.

    I haven't heard your late friend's kids perform yet, but I've added them to my "to watch" list. I've been hearing wonderful things about them.

  2. I think Kelley was right with them.

  3. Yep, famine and feast, MiniKat; hope you didn't get indigestion from my long post! ;-) I hope you enjoy We Three as much as I do.

    She's certainly in all our hearts, Mama Pea.

  4. Wow, you sure played bobbin chicken on that gorgeous spinning, didn't you? It's beautiful, as are all the rest of your photos.

    What really caught my eye was "chocolate orange zucchini cake"... chocolate and orange are my two favorite flavors... and the best combo!! Where did you get the recipe??? Yum...

  5. "Bobbin chicken" – love that, Mokihana! Can't remember where I found the recipe; I think the orange part was my addition. I make it in a fancy shaped bundt pan; here's my recipe:
    2 1/2 c. whole wheat pastry flour
    2 c. organic sugar
    2 t. baking powder
    1 t. baking soda
    1 t. salt
    1 t. cinnamon
    3/4 c. milk
    1/2 c. oil
    3 eggs
    2 t. vanilla
    1 t. orange oil
    3 c. grated zucchini

    Bake for 50-55 minutes at 350 degrees, then cool in pan 15 minutes before removing.

    I topped with a ganache of chocolate chips, milk (I used almond/cashew milk for both recipes), and a touch of orange oil.

  6. Kelley's kids do her proud.

    Glad that Butler made the move to his new home.

    The cooler days have been so welcome. Are you ready for the next wave?

    You will be pretty in pink!

    Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  7. Wow. That is something, knowing a talent on American's Got Talent!!

    I do watch that show. You see such a large range of performances, and yes, I did see "We Three" and they are GREAT! I will root for them. It is a sad back story but they have 'done their mom proud.'

  8. Your garden goodies look SO good!
    You'll probably miss Butler, won't you.
    I was so moved by your story about Kelley's kids. My daughter and I have seen them and were so touched by their story! They do a great job!! What you wrote moved me to tears.

    Your spinning is so beautiful. I can hardly wait till we get to see the pretty pink roving when you work on it. We had never seen that gorgeous Knit Picks yarn. I saw one online that's really pretty.

  9. Such talent. It's impossible to watch and listen without tears. Butler is such a gorgeous boy and that fleece! Lucky new owner. Of course, lucky us, seeing as we will get to enjoy your spring lambs!!! Lovely job spinning, Michelle. When I see the beautiful yarn you spin on a spindle, I can almost imagine being able to do it myself. Almost.


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