Monday, July 30, 2018

Smoke gets in your eyes

At least if you live in the West! Last night on the news, the meteorologist showed a massive layer of wildfire smoke moving up from the south to our area. This morning, we awoke to a dingy yellow cast in the air, over the sun, affecting our light. As I headed to work this morning, I stopped at the top of our hill and took a photo:

On my way home, I stopped and took another one:

Although the atmosphere doesn't look as dingy in the afternoon shot, you can't see the foothills of the Cascades at all, whereas you still can in the morning shot. My eyes have been burning, and I imagine my horse's compromised lungs are, too. Others are experiencing far worse air quality.

Yesterday when I dropped off Brian at camp, I noted all the standing fuel left by an area forest fire a few years ago. It made me think of the camps in California I remember fondly from my own youth, currently evacuated because of nearby wildfires. So far, Pine Springs Ranch and Camp Wawona are still standing as far as I know, but the images I found on their Facebook pages are sobering, to say the least:

Pray for rain, people – and pray for the firefighters and people in harm's way.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. We are under the Carr Fire wrath . Topping out in a weeks time at 100,000 acres. There is more on my latest blog entry. We are in the southern tip of the Cascades before Lassen Volcanic National Park. Sorry to share the wealth with you so to speak but it wasn't our choice. Take care.

  2. I didn't know that's where you're located, Goatldi; I feel for you!!!

  3. Those pictures are sobering. How I wish I could send your side of the country some of the tropical rains we have been dealing with here. It is almost swampy. Prays for all our citizens dealing with these terrible fires and the impact it has on others.

  4. These fire are so frightening - and take such a toll on homeowners and firefighters. My thoughts are certainly with both.

  5. Fires are so scary and at times simply uncontrollable. Saying a prayer for all those affected . . . including folks like you who are not close to the damaging fires but still feeling the affects.

  6. Yes, wouldn't it be nice to spread the weather around as needed, RK? We sure could use some that rain out west!

    Susan, I just can't fathom being a firefighter, wearing all that gear at the hottest time of year AND in close proximity to something much hotter!

    Thanks, Mama Pea!

  7. You have a lot more smoke than we've had here in the Upper Willamette Valley. So far, we've only had a couple of days of smoke. I'm thankful, since our daughter is highly allergic to it.


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