Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"Today's episode of this blog...

...has been brought to you by the letter S."

As in Squirrel:

And Strawberries:

And Sunset:

Today was hot again, as evidenced by the prostrate squirrel; I broke down and set the AC at 80° so it didn't get any hotter than that IN the house. But by mid-afternoon, a cool coast breeze was blowing and I was able to shut off the AC and open the windows. Revived from my own torpor, I rode my horse and then headed to the garden. Things are looking good; five of my six tomatoes have green fruit, there is an eggplant and some pepper flowers, the basil is big enough consider picking. I pulled some weeds and then picked strawberries. As I finished up, I noticed stunning clouds in all directions.

We had a chance of thunderstorms today, but so far, no luck. We could use a good soaking – and I love a good thunder and lightning show! Unfortunately, we rarely get those here. Oh well, one can't have everything! 😉

That's it for this episode from . . .


  1. Love those garden photos. I plan to post a 'garden" photo too. One tomato on my patio that is turning red!! Whoo. Hoo!

  2. Don't envy you those high, miserable temps, but it's sure making your garden grow faster than mine! Love the picture of the eggplant blossom. A gorgeous shade of purple. (I didn't even plant any eggplant this year as I've had such terrible luck with them. Gonna wait until we -- someday -- get that hoop greenhouse!)

  3. Everything looks so lush and green! I love the photo of the squirrel - it says "HOT!"

  4. The letter S did itself proud today. What lovely photos! Wasn't the welcome cool air wonderful? I opened up everything, too.

  5. A red tomato already, RK? WooHoo is right!

    Yesterday's temp tied the record, Mama Pea; so thankful that today is cooler. I've had the best success with the long, skinny "Japanese" eggplant, and prefer to cook with them, too. This year one of my two plants is a "white eggplant;" I wonder what color its flowers will be!

    Even the weeds, Susan. ;-)

    Those coast breezes bring me back to life, Mokihana!


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