Tuesday, June 19, 2018

It's only June...

It's hot. I've been been as still as possible the last few hours, trying not to break a sweat IN the house with the fan running. We only get a handful of nights – at most – every summer when it doesn't cool off at night; to get one this early is worrisome. It's not even officially summer yet!

Before I chose inertia, I got the last fleece of 2018 harvested. Bernadette was rooed – mostly. The fleece on her neck and shoulders was pretty tight, so I scissor-sheared her there. What a luscious, dark chocolate fleece! Between the glistening lanolin and the camera trying to let in more light, the close-up shot doesn't show it; the full-body "after" shot does. She looks extra-fuzzy because I combed her after she threw herself on the ground and rolled around in the leaves and debris. 😖

I'm feeling Oreo's absence keenly; she's left a hole that I don't see filling easily or quickly. Thank-you for your comments and condolences; it does help to be able to share. All of us who choose to share our lives with animals know this pain; they just don't live long enough....

That's it for now from . . .


  1. The pain gets less over time as you know but I don't think it ever goes away - at least for me. Over 49 years my husband and I have had 10 cats grace our life, and I miss the very first one still - Ashes - his name, who lived for 19 years. The others too. Peace to you.

  2. I'm so sorry about Oreo. Dang. I have lost my share of barn cats over the last couple of years too and it is hard. We guard Miss Prissy pretty well. She's really a basement cat now. I call her in every night before dark and let her out early in the morning.
    Lots naked sheep these days! Looking good and it looks like some folks will get some beautiful fleeces!

  3. Thanks, RT. We've had two wonderful cats that have spanned the last 25 years (with two other transients who came in their tenure but didn't stay); they will be hard acts to follow so I'm not in a hurry to try. Gatsby will leave soon for Hawaii; I'm going to enjoy my dogs, horse and sheep fully for awhile.

    Oreo would have liked to move in I think, Theresa. Sometimes she would meet us up at the house. But she was an excellent barn cat and seemed happy down there, too. Yep, now I need to skirt the last few fleeces, weigh and sell them!


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