Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Talkin' 'bout a heat wave

Our area weather has been blowing records out of the water this week – baby, it's been HOT outside! Thankfully, it's starting to cool off – a bit. (Please, let this not forebode an even hotter summer.) The upside is that the grass has been growing gangbusters and is heading out, so the horses have gotten to enjoy some limited pasture time along with the sheep. We still had to buy a couple more tons of (expensive) hay to get us through to this year's harvest; we've never underestimated like this before. =:-O

Bart isn't doing well. This morning Rick bought him some time by aspirating a bunch of (blood-tinged) urine out of his bladder, and trimming off the unhealthy end of his urethra. I hope we're not just prolonging his discomfort before an inevitable end.... :-(

Now that I'm feeling better, I'm hoping to salvage what I can of Sarai's sagging fleece, and start skirting the rest. While you wait impatiently (hee) for fleece photos, here's a little tune from Brian's violin lesson this week:

That's it for today from . . .


  1. You seem to have bounced back (no pun intended) from your bad fall very quickly. I'd say the exercise you get from riding keeps you in great shape. ('Course, running through your other normal daily duties probably doesn't hurt either!)

  2. Ah, poor Bartie. I hope he rallies for you. It is such heartbreak. I am so impressed with Brian's playing! It's been fun to watch him come along via your posts. We have not had the heat yet (thank goodness), but it is dry and windy. Never a good combination. Looking forward to seeing those fleeces!

  3. Michelle, does the music teacher come to your house? Brian is getting better, isn't he?

    Bart... I did not know, I'm sorry.

    Glad you are feeling better!

  4. Lovely movie clip. Feeling bad about Bart.


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