Sunday, April 17, 2016

Back in the saddle...

...figuratively and literally.

After nearly a week of taking it easy, I'm feeling a lot less "broken." Yesterday I managed to put on my own socks, today I got back on my horse for a 20-minute walk around the arena, and this evening I was back at the barn doing chores for the first time since last Monday morning. Today was also the first time since Monday that I've reached my FitBit target of 12,000 steps.

Unfortunately, trouble was brewing while I was healing. I had noticed in passing that Bart seemed to be hanging out by himself, but it wasn't until today that I stopped and watched him. Drip.... Drip.... Drip. Uh-oh. As soon as Rick got home from errands I told him that Bart was dripping urine, and we moved him (and Browning for company) into the Ram-ada Inn. Manipulation didn't yield any urinary calculi, so I've started him on UROEZE in an effort to dissolve them. I pray it works; we lost Bart's half-brother Bunker to a ruptured bladder. :'-(

In better news, beautiful Babette is burgeoning,
mushrooms are multiplying,
and flowers are flourishing.
Please pray that my wether can start whizzing soon!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Oooh, poor boy! I hope the doctoring works for him. That Babette is adorable. I'm glad you are back up on your horse. And very glad you were able to recover as quickly as you did.

  2. Fingers crossed for Bart. I hope he pulls through okay. It's good to read that you're feeling better too. Keep on taking care though!

  3. Oh my. Sorry to hear about Bart. I know nothing about sheep, but I hate to see any animal struggling with health issues. I am glad to hear you are on the mend as well.

  4. Glad you are feeling better! Poor Bart ~ prayers that he is a-ok very soon, can't feel well. Thanks for the flowers, I've got beautiful snow again this morning :-)

  5. Glad you are feeling better and hope that all "goes well" for poor Bart.

    We had lambs in the last 24 hours - a single ram lamb born yesterday afternoon in the middle of a heat wave and a ram/ewe twins born this evening. Glad that's over. T.

    PS - can't believe how tall Brian is getting!


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