Thursday, May 01, 2014


We were fully submerged in summer today. The sheep were out most of the day, and took advantage of the shade of a big fir. I took advantage of the photo opportunity!

A decent shot of the shadowy Jet:
Blaise, the lamb with bling:
The Velvet Twins, Bali Hai (Rick calls her Spot) and Barbados:

Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler, with rain in the forecast for the weekend. I'd better get the two little heirloom tomato plants I just bought in the ground tomorrow!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. What a beautiful bunch of babies!

  2. Wonderful shots, Michelle. You really have some pretty babies this year.

  3. Thank-you, sheepsclothing and Leigh; I'm rather partial to this year's lamb crop, too!

  4. You got wonderful pictures! And they were INSIDE the fence!

  5. Fantastic photos. The light was perfect...and they were posing beautifully for you!


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