Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Positive postscript, and pictures

Momma squirrel showed up at the bird feeder today; I was so relieved! The thought of orphaned baby squirrels slowly starving to death was a sad burden.

A picture is worth a thousand words:
The lambs at large, while the mamas wear a "worry track" up and down the fence.

In the photo above, the ewe lambs are facing the camera. Below are "da boyz."
I should have named Jet "Shadow." Poor guy; it's so hard to get a good picture of him. On the other hand, the camera loves his brother – going and coming!
And Benny's still a love:

Girls and boys; pink and blue.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Those baby lambs. It is hard to not love them like pets.

  2. How do the babies keep getting out????

    1. Ha! I actually took a photo I didn’t use that shows the lambs doing the limbo to slip back under the gate. :-)

  3. Love the egg - your robins are on it! I don't thing ours have nested yet!

    1. I know; they're FAST! I saw that in the arena when I rode yesterday.

  4. See if your camera has an exposure compensation button/setting and play with that a bit when you are taking pictures of black (sheep, dogs, yarn...). Blacks are hard, hard, hard and frequently if you meter just off the black lamb, the white lamb will be over-exposed...

  5. They are all so adorable Michelle... a "worry path" - Love that term! The egg photo is awesome; what a great colour. Looks like a painted Easter egg!

    I wish I were there to hug and scritch those lambies.

  6. Great pictures of the babies. I think they like to pose for you.

  7. Little brats!! Making their mamas worry so much!! Naughty, naughty lambs. *shaking head*
    And Benny has gotten so big - I can't believe it!! He's so stinkin' cute!! They're all cute - but I'm a wee bit partial to the little Mr. Sunshine. :)


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