Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Collecting colors

I know I'm not the only one that marvels at the subtle variety of colors in the eggs the girls give us:

Nor the only one who finds "plain ol' brown" anything but:

Even the colors we so cleverly "create"

are only borrowed from the evening sky.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. You know, I have never, ever had a brown egg... I love the various shades you get! And your wool looks fab; inspiration from dusk - so pretty!

  2. What a wonderful essay on color!

  3. No, they're certainly anything but ordinary. Beautiful...
    Thanks for the song Michelle. I LOVE it!

  4. LOVE your eggs AND especially fiber!!
    Blessings~~ Shine

  5. It is interesting how eggs are so different from one another love the color of your fiber!


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