Sunday, September 15, 2013

Better as a movie

It's been a difficult couple of weeks. Life keeps lobbing things at us and those we love – the good, the bad and the ugly. I realize that is life, but the frequency seems to be picking up – kinda like one of those carnival skill tests that starts out easy enough but then goes faster and faster until it is impossible to keep up.

Some of the good:
Last week I got a dehydrator full of prunes dried and bagged, and a crockpot full of rosemary prune butter (thanks to Laura's suggestion; it's tasty!) cooked down and canned.

Brian went on a church youth group campout this weekend, giving Rick and me a rare weekend alone. Sabbath afternoon we went on a little photo safari to a nearby wildlife refuge (photos later, maybe), followed by a delish dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.

Some of the bad:
This morning someone called from church with a plea for me/us to accompany her on a short whale-watching excursion. Rick felt he really needed to take advantage of the last dry day in the forecast to start spreading manure, but told me I was free to go. I was going to clean the house in preparation for a visit from my folks, but their visit had to be postponed (see "ugly") so I didn't feel like I could easily turn her down. I should have. Oh, I enjoyed the scenery, the cooperative gray whale and all the sea birds . . . for awhile. As my family knows, I am prone to motion sickness. And in spite of what Mythbusters and Food Detectives say, ginger did NOT prove an effective treatment for nausea. I'm still not quite over my kinetosis . . . and the apples are still waiting to be sauced.

Some of the ugly:
The devil has been playing hard ball the last couple weeks. A little over a week ago, my ex-SIL was killed in a motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, the ensuing confusion/corruption regarding her estate has made a difficult situation for my niece even worse; my folks' involvement on her behalf is what is delaying their visit.

Last Friday, my husband reached the difficult decision to put down his old cutting horse after a 20+ year partnership. It was hard on all of us.

Today one of the moms from our homeschool co-op, and a friend of mine, died as a result of a brain hemorrhage she suffered a little over two weeks ago. She was only in her 30s, and leaves a husband, two young boys, parents, a sister. Yeah; sometimes life sucks.

That's some of what we've been dealing with at . . .


  1. Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear all the bad and ugly that's been happening to you are yours. It does seem that, once the bad gets going, it doesn't know how to stop. I can empathize completely with your motion sickness. I can't read in anything moving, other than a plane. And on water? I can't even breathe. I am sending love and prayers to all.

  2. Oh, Michelle, almost too much to assimilate and process in the bad and ugly department. Love and prayers to you, your friends and family.

  3. Oh how sad to read... so sorry Life is dealing you a difficult hand right now. When it piles up like that, it is so hard. I hope things brighten for you soon. I too suffer with motion sickness. Up here in Canada, we have a great med called Gravol. It works wonders for me. Hope you're feeling better.

  4. That's a lot to deal with all at once, take care and let's hope things start looking up soon. Sudden and tragic deaths are hard to deal with, no one is prepared.

  5. you need a love ( ) button here! (and hugs too).

    love (1)

  6. I'm sorry, Michelle - so much in such a short time :-( Thinking of you.

  7. It does seem to be overwhelming at times, doesn't it? Try to remember that counting blessings really does help offset the bad. Hugs and prayers for all...

  8. that is an awful lot. I'm so sorry. when it starts to seem overwhelming, take a deep breath and find a sheep to sit with. they are sometimes the best company.

  9. And today, the husband of a blogpal is gone. Not unexpected, but still so hard. He was only 57....

  10. It surely seems like loss and pain run in long stretches together. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way (and to the families of the loved ones also). And to your husband... animals are a part of our family, even horses, and I know how hard it is to make that decision.

  11. I've had a whale watching trip marred (well, ruined) by motion sickness too - so I know how disappointed you must have been - the whole time the whales were swimming by us, I had my head in the garbage barrel - well, you know where I'm going there ...

    So sorry about your SIL & your friend. I hope your folks can help smooth the way for the nieces. T.

  12. Michelle, I'm so very sorry for all this sadness. I did not realize until I read this. Prayers coming your way tonight, and for Rick and his loss... and your SIL's family.

  13. Sometimes you just feel like screaming ok Lord that's enough. You certainly have had your share. Praying for all of you.

  14. Michelle, I'm sorry to hear you're in a stretch of 'ugly'. I've always wondered why bad stuff seems to come along in spurts, but as I think of it, maybe its just that I sometimes don't acknowledge the long spurts of good. Thinking of you, and taking time to recognize the good.


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