Saturday, May 18, 2013

The grosbeaks are back

We haven't bought seed for the wild birds in quite awhile because of budget constraints, but Brian discovered that we still had some cracked corn and put it out. The Evening and Black-headed Grosbeaks have discovered it; yay! Yesterday I perched at a crack in the deck doors to see what I could capture with my camera. This female Black-headed Grosbeak obliged very nicely. :-)

"Would you leave me alone to eat now?"

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Up here in northern MN we don't have the Black-headed Grosbeaks . . . but do have the Rose-breasted, Evening and Pine.

    We always manage to put seeds out for the birds, but it does make me cranky when the pine squirrels and chipmunks stuff their cheeks with more than their share!

    1. We have big silver squirrels who also like the seed – and an Aussie who likes squirrel!

  2. Beautiful! How I love to watch wild birds! We are finished feeding on the deck for the summer, but my goodness, I love seeing them!

    1. You have been most generous with the wildings, Mary Ann, and I LOVE seeing your photos of the crowds you get.

  3. Great pics, that is one I have not seen here.

    1. She's kinda plain compared to her flashy mate and his cousin, the Evening Grosbeak, but still very pretty. :-)

  4. The rose breasted variety are stopping by here right now. AND to my delight, the Baltimore orioles have come to my feeder. I hope they stay and nest here.

    1. We don't get EITHER of those here, Sharrie; post some photos!

  5. What pretty birds. We have cowbirds - groan. I know they're in migration but they need to leave.

    1. Sharon, I am loath to diss any of God's creatures, but cowbirds are NASTY things that surely have been altered by sin since creation.

  6. Great photos and I love the commentary :D
    Beth P

  7. Lovely photos. I don't think that any bird is "altered" by sin. They are all God's creatures... even the cowbird.

  8. The Golden and Purple finches have hit my feeders heavily this spring. A lot of people don't know that they are here all winter, but their bright plumage fades to a sparrow like coloring through the winter, so I get to hear their cheerful little beeps all year. Great shots of the grosbeak.


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