Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday smorgasbord

Smorgasbord . . . now that's a word I rarely hear these days. Maybe it's just not a West Coast thing. It brings back childhood memories, though; only natural, I suppose, with a Swedish grandmother and a dietitian mother. Anyway, I have a smorgasbord of snapshots for you today; I hope you find them tasty!
Mother's Day bouquet; flowers fresh from the farms they grew on!
For Mother's Day I treated myself to fresh starts for my hanging basket
My herb barrel is still waiting to be properly filled...
...but the hostas (and astilbe) are finally starting to fill in their island bed
At last, an accurate color capture of my purple iris!
Simple beauty – and the promise of boysenberries to come
In revisiting my marvelous white maple leaves...
...I happened upon this slimy fellow, no doubt enjoying his own smorgasbord.
At least it's not a scary snake, like Mary Ann or Audrey have to deal with!
Big-Fleece Bart (5lb4oz skirted!) has been babying his right front leg. :-(
We checked him over and think it's just a strain, but ALL the sheep are
dining at the hay smorgasbord in the fold for now so he can rest and heal.
That's it for today from . . .


  1. "It" does look like a snake! Hope Bart gets better and going to a smorgasbord is always a great meal!!

  2. You take such wonderful flower photos..and umm....slug? photos? Is it a slug? Really quit handsome. Whatever it is, I don't think I've met one and I'm curious.

  3. "It" is a Pacific banana slug, over 6" long. Slugs really creeped me out when we first moved to Oregon, but I've gotten used to them and don't mind them at all now – unless they are munching my plants.

  4. I have never heard of the saying smorgasbord....interesting how some things are different like your snails look a lot bigger then ours and the color is different also : )I hope Barts leg feels better!

  5. I think that they changed it to Buffet because so many people could not spell Smorgasbord, LOL. Great shots. Saw another snake this week, 3 ft. long and green, came in and checked the internet, Green Racer, he can stay, but now the skunk is another issue.

  6. This is a lovely "Smorgasbord" of a post. Love the photos... especially the herb barrel that is still waiting to be properly filled...
    I really relate to that. I have to get into the garden tomorrow and do some planting myself.
    Hope Bart is OK. He looks so handsome in his "coat".


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