Wednesday, December 12, 2012


While many are marveling at the once-in-a-century alignment of twelves, I am in a somber mood.

You may have heard about the shooting yesterday at a Portland mall, a mall I have visited many times in the 23 years we've lived in Oregon. So much about the news is mind-boggling. It is mind-boggling that an estimated 10,000 people were in the mall; I've lived in/near towns (in fact I do now) with smaller populations than that! It is a very strange feeling to hear about something horrific happening in a place you know, where you have walked and shopped. It is always incomprehensible to me that anyone would do something like this, especially when there are no warning signs indicating a troubled mind or life. It is sad almost beyond bearing to think of the two extended families (well, three, because we have to count the suspect's family) who are grieving a devastating and completely unexpected loss. And there is a profound sense of awe in knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that God intervened and guardian angels were on active duty yesterday. How else to explain just three victims in that sea of people confronted by a man armed with a loaded semi-automatic rifle and the intent to "shoot anyone in his line of sight, on a mission . . . to take the lives of people in that mall"? He had ducks in a barrel, and was only allowed to hit three. Why those three were hit only God knows – and I believe He will reveal all on Judgment Day. Until then, I will trust in Him Who holds me in His hand – Immanuel, "God with us."


  1. Feel so bad for all families involved in all the tragic events making it on the news. Tonight's news here makes me want to turn the tv off but that won't change the events. So sad that people that were looking forward to family and holidays are now planning funerals.

  2. It's very sad. For everyone. I always wonder "what was going on in that mind?" What wasn't seen.

  3. I'm sorry that this has happen, again, and people have lost their lives. It only takes one horribly misguided and deranged person to make this kind of tragedy come to pass. It's so sad.

  4. I am so glad you are safe and weren't in that mall on that day, at that time. The story on the news yesterday brought tears to my eyes for the families that will forever view this holiday season as a time they lost loved ones. After attending a benefit on Saturday for an 8 yr old boy with a stage 4 Wilms tumor, and seeing how much others are suffering, I am humbled. I'm looking around and finding more blessings in my life everyday, not because they weren't there before, but because I'm seeing them more clearly.

  5. I, also, am glad you were not shopping at that place on that day. So much is not in our control - we have only faith to go on. And I do hope that our government wakes up and faces the problem this country has in its (almost) free access to weapons that should have no place in our lives. My heart goes out to the families caught up in these senseless tragedies.

  6. So true that somehow it's different when there has been an act of tragedy or terrorism at someplace you have actually been . . . I'm glad you weren't there that day.

  7. So true that somehow it's different when there has been an act of tragedy or terrorism at someplace you have actually been . . . I'm glad you weren't there that day.

  8. That's exactly how I felt Michelle. God and His angels were there and only allowed the deaths of 3 and an injury to 1. The outcome could have been so, so much worse. It is inconceivable to me how anyone could carry out such a horrific act. It's just evil and so selfish. It seems like this time of year especially, is chosen for random acts of violence. Maybe it's stress, depression or envy that drives people. I just don't understand it.

  9. The first thing I did was call my daughter, who lives in that area... I knew she probably wasn't there, but who knew for certain. So sad and unexplainable. And today, the horrific shootings in Connecticut. I am just praying at this point.


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