Sunday, December 09, 2012

A full recovery

This morning when I turned Cadbury out in the ram lot he frolicked around for a good 15 minutes. After watching him sprint and sproing, I thought to pull out my camera for a quick video.

I'm happy to see him feeling so good after the beating he took from the bigger boys! Not that I'm going to put him back in with them; his left scur looks like it could be broken at the base, and I don't want to risk losing him from more head-bashing.

I've also made a full recovery from our party last night. :-)  It went well; we had 30 people total, which was manageable. (I don't know what we would have done had the rest of the usual people showed up; that would have been another 14-18 people!)

This evening we enjoyed caroling with a group from our church, along with a wagon pulled by a team of Shires (complete with jingling bells!) from the same farm that Brian drove for at the State Fair. I left the straw bales for those who needed them more and walked along side, singing and snapping photos. It was fun!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. oh what a delightful time it must have been for all of you! I love horses so much!!

  2. Have you had any luck with super small confinement of the fighting sheep for a few hours until they all get used to each other? I have even heard dousing them all with perfume kind of "evens the score" till they work it out. I am currently struggling with trying to work my (former) ram back into the fold....but he gets into a slamming match with a few of his offspring every time....I might try it...

  3. Such a handsome team. I just adore Shires. I think they are my favorite draft horses along with Suffolks. So glad the party was a success and glad you had some fun mixed in with all the work!

  4. That team of Shires is beautiful! And so is Cadbury! What a cutie pie! Meant to comment on your previous post, but your house is just beautiful! Such lovely light and space. I bet the party was great.

  5. You sure know how to celebrate Advent! Glad your party went well.

  6. Wish you could have joined us, Karla!

    Melanie, the tight confinement works as long as they are confined, but I've still had issues afterwards. Let's face it; they have testosterone poisoning and no outlet! That doesn't go away after a period of confinement....

    And they were SO good, Theresa!

    Thanks, Susan; I do love our light and space.

    There's a lot to celebrate, Mary Ann. :-)


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