Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Weeding assistants

I pull 'em, they eat 'em!

And because it's catch as catch can when it comes to getting decent shots of the exuberant lambies (especially my little Birdie!), here's what I caught today:
Birdie's brother Bart was born with palpable little horn buds, but they aren't doing anything to speak of. He's definitely a half-poll - and has the most impressive fleece of the bunch (although Barrister is close - very close). Someone is interested in him as a flock sire for their personal fleece and freezer-filler flock. He'd like to be a fiber pet!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. I've been throwing the weeds to our girls also. I love your little sheep faces. Our babies still have cute faces, but they loose that "cute" when they grow up (Suffolk/crosses) and yours don't.

  2. Such nice lambs, Michelle. So fun to visit your blog and check everything out!

  3. They have such cute little noses. I would have trouble letting any of them go. Have a great week!

  4. Such beautiful lambs! And don't chickens get so excited when they get a batch of green weeds? Of course, I keep dandelion greens for myself.

  5. Oh Michelle, they're adorable!!! I love, love, love the mottled coloring...and such cute faces! Makes me ponder having a lamb...

  6. They are so adorable. Alexia and I were at Mim's flock on Thursday. It's their tiny bleats that really touch me and the mom's call-backs.


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