Sunday, April 10, 2011

Simply irresistable

Lambs, that is, at . . .


  1. Don't know which is the better eye candy - the lambs or all that green grass!

  2. The horses can't safely enjoy it yet, so the sheep may as well! But it's getting too tall; makes it harder to see my lambies. ;-)

  3. OK - refresh our memories. There are 4: 1) BIG ram (obviously), mostly light gray (for those of use not familiar with the Shetland color terms) 2) one that has brownish 'edges,' 3) one that is black and gray mottled, and 40 one that is black. What are their names and genders? Are any of them keepers?

  4. Here goes, Deb. The BIG ramling (Barrister) is double-patterned; he has the katmoget (badgerface) pattern AND the fading gene, so will have white body wool eventually. Someone has already reserved him as a potential breeding ram. The brown ewe lamb (Bonny) is also double-patterned; she has the gulmoget pattern (reverse badgerface) and the fading gene, so she will end up very light on her body as well. The black and grey mottled ram (Bart) has the fading gene, so will end up grey/white with black points; someone is very interested in him as well. His twin is the little black ewe lamb (Birdie); she actually has the same color/pattern genetics as her twin brother and will be grey/white with black points as well. Both ewe lambs are potential keepers; time will tell.

  5. Oh my goodness! I have never seen anything so cute. Your babies look they have been tie dyed. Beautiful!

  6. Not to be partial but that gully girl is really cute! I am hoping for a brown based gully this year! They all look very healthy and happy!

  7. How do you get them to stand still for photos? The minute I get the camera out, all my sheep are in my face being camera-hogs and the ewe lambs won't stand still for a second.

  8. Ruth, you have no idea how long I was out there and how many photos I tried for to get these, and as you can see, I never did get a photo of little Birdie! I think these were luck - and telephoto.

  9. Great baby pics and I have to say, all that lovely green is certainly enticing. I'm thrilled that we have itty bitty buds at this point!

  10. Thanks for the earworm! I saw the title and immediately started humming that song of the same title by Robert Palmer (especially the break: "She's so fine, there's no tellin' where the money went...She's all mine, there's no other way to go..."

    Ok, now you have it!

  11. Oh, I had that earworm the moment I thought of the title -- and have a visual from the video to go with it! ha Gotta love a rock star who wears a suit....

  12. i don't know if this is ever posting but Barrister is definitely Ag/Ab!


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