Sunday, December 05, 2010


As hoped, my miniSpinner and I are finding time to get better acquainted. Our first tête-à-tête was a bit strained; I think I was nervous after waiting and anticipating for so long after purchasing it. But a little online help with the reminder to slow down, relax and e-n-j-o-y did the trick, and we've recaptured the magic we had together at OFFF. We are spinning some inexpensive white longwool roving to remove any pressure to perform perfectly before moving on to more exciting stuff, like the glorious camel/silk roving I purchased from Corgi Hill Farm on Etsy, below (and look at the two free samples my spindles get to play with!).
I am looking forward to turning my fiber stash into yarn stash much more quickly than ever before; yarn takes up less room than fiber!

Speaking of not taking up much room, this morning while doing chores I turned Russell out in the arena to burn some energy and work out some edema in his back legs. Oreo jumped up onto his feeder and then the inside wall. Before I could whip out my camera, she had dropped down into the space between the inside and outside walls, hunting for mice, no doubt. Glad she can handle the tight space and cobwebs; I think I'd have a panic attack down there!

I'll leave you with a photo of pretty-girl Katie, who posed so nicely for me this morning. You can see why I chose the blog background I did for winter; it accurately represents certain views around here!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. I like Kate's coat..
    I need a cat in my basement crawl space.. I have lots of mice and I'm catching them in my live traps I have down there. There is a neighbor (2miles north) that has milk cows and he said he would be happy to have all the mice I catch for his cats. I'm happy to deposit these mice in his barn..
    ta ta for now..from Iowa

  2. Had I known about the miniSpinner a few years ago, I might have gone that direction instead of the Roberta. I still really love my Roberta, but like most spinners, have projects going on two other wheels and the Roberta all at the same time. One can never have too many wheels, right? ;)

  3. Beautiful picture of Katie. So glad you are ENJOYING your miniSpinner...finally :-D.

  4. Congratulations on getting to know your mini! Mine has been here for a few weeks and I've had no time to play with it! :(

  5. I can relate, Dianne. I got mine on Sept. 26 -- and got it out to play for the first time this past weekend!

    Kathy, I think the miniSpinner has only been out 2-3 years, so it probably wasn't available when you got your Roberta. But I highly recommend it to anyone shopping NOW!

    Thanks, Annie and Sara!

  6. Katie looks so spiffy in her coat, and
    that roving is gorgeous! Have fun!


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