Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Sayonara, Summer!

The weatherman said it last night; summer is over. We have no more stretches of hot weather coming, only warm, sunny days - sometimes. It rained yesterday (finally!) and the nights feel decidedly cool; I changed our sheets today and put on the flannels. My spirit is refreshed; the bumblebees are cold. I'm off to make a batch of bread, and look forward to the heat of the oven and the smell of baking whole grains!

That's it for today at . . .


  1. And don't forget along with home made bread, good hearty soups and the riding should be wonderful! :) I so love fall.

  2. You have a good attitude after a short summer (here anyway!). Thanks!

  3. Not ready for it, seldom am though :)

  4. Okay, I'll admit it; I'm never sad to see the sultry days end. I love the fruits and vegetables of summer, but far prefer the weather of the other seasons.

  5. I am so happy to see and feel the Fall-like days here. As a kid I loved summer; now, not so much!! I love your pix with the droplets...excellent!

  6. Oh, please send some of that cool, rainy weather towards Kentucky!

  7. I love's the season after it that I'm not fond of!


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