Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Just when you thought it was over...

here's another post on the Oregon State Fair!

I got up early Friday morning and looked over my dahlias to see if there were any likely candidates for the open flower show that day. I selected two, and drove them down for check-in:

The flower show is housed in the foyer of the AmeriCrafts building, which I've already mentioned is a favorite venue of mine. It was strange to walk through the cavernous hall without crowds of people; I caught sight of some quilts that had escaped me during previous visits, including this prize-winning beauty:

I thought about walking over to say hi to the chicks on display at the FarWest Hatchery booth, but the Fair attendants were watching me and I thought better of the side trip. Rick found this vendor our first day at the Fair and brought home a brochure, which surprised me. Turns out he had quite a chat with the owner about breeds, egg production and hen age, and was thinking we needed some new layers to replace those of ours who aren't earning their keep anymore. We went back together on Thursday, and learned that there would be a drawing on Sunday for the chicks he had at the Fair. Present were some of the varieties I'm most interested in adding - Speckled Sussex (so pretty!), Black and Buff Sexlink (our Red Sexlinks have been our best layers), Easter Eggers (love the egg colors); everything but silver-laced Wyandottes - so I filled out an entry and crossed my fingers and toes.

Yesterday afternoon while Rick and Brian were getting another load of hay, I grabbed one of our remaining wristbands and scooted back down to Salem. I wanted to see how my dahlias did and see if we won any chicks. Although I wasn't one of the lucky winners in the chicken department, my dahlias got a first and a third!
(Looking pretty tired after four days at the Fair.)


This pastel variety opened after I took the other two down to the fair:I'll definitely consider doing this again next year, because the more of us who enter, the more there is to look at. As for the chicks, I'm glad to have learned of a local hatchery, and am thinking I might just drive up after stopping at OFFF on September 26 to pick up a few new girls. That way I'll have all winter to tame and spoil them, and come spring, they'll be ready to lay!

That's the final Fair report from . . .


  1. Congrats on your dahlia ribbons! and I really like that last one that opened late:)
    And pretty cool about the whole 'small world' thing and the the Fresian horse. Chuck (the dad from BC) is the trainer and that is his daughter who I think is from Oregon.

  2. After meeting a couple of Speckled Sussex hens at Kathy and Ralph's in Flagstaff last winter, I was smitten! Our chick order this spring included those sweet beautiful birds....as well as some americaunas and Buff Brahmas. These pullets are now teenagers, and are the most people oriented group we have ever had....I adore them all. But I think that the tone was set by the Speckled Sussex girls!

  3. I love Speckled Sussex hens, too. I had 3, but the local fox loved them, too. Sigh. Congratulations on your Dahlias - they really were beautiful.

  4. Congratulations on your Dahlia wins!! They are lovely. Sigh....I have no room for Dahlias ..... or chickens!

  5. Too bad on the chicks, I'm having a ball with mine. Its so interesting to watch them grow and change into adults.

  6. Thanks, everyone. I have heard from many that the Speckled Sussex are very calm, sweet birds, and they are one of the prettiest to my eye. Someday I will have some!

  7. I'm so glad your dahlias won some ribbons. You always have the prettiest flower pix on your blog and they always look like winners to me. I would love to have some of those speckled sussex too. They were #5 on my list, but I only ordered 4 breeds last year. I'm trying to figure out how to talk DH into another chick order next spring so I can get some!

    That crazy quilt is absolutely gorgeous. Loved admiring it.

  8. Congrats on the flower ribbons. They certainly looked deserving!
    Glad the chick hunt has found you. Some very pretty breeds you've picked out. I've certainly enjoyed my time at the fair through your blog. Thank you!

  9. You seem to have so many wonderful events in your area! It's great that you take advantage of them. Congrats on the flowers!

  10. Congratulations on the ribbons. I love the local fairs, ours has a nice sheep show with quite a few shetlands normally showing in it too. I like my easter eggers for egg production they are good, my buff orpington is friendlier though.


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