Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't have a coronary!

Men just don't listen. As evidenced by the fact that my husband went and did just that - had a coronary. Technically an "inferior myocardial infarction." But you know what? God has heard our prayers and is answering "Yes" to them so far, and Rick is resting comfortably in an excellent cardiac unit at a Portland-area hospital after having an angioplasty and getting a stent. After the fear and uncertainty of earlier in the day, I am practically giddy with relief. Still praying, though. Would appreciate yours, as well.

– Michelle


  1. Oh Michelle- I am holding you all in the light. Hugs, my friend.

  2. You, your husband and your family are in my prayers. I pray he makes a full recovery.

  3. All the best to your husband, and you as well!

  4. Thinking and praying for you both.

  5. Absolutely! Prayers for you all. Take care of yourself and Brian right now too.

  6. Oh god Michelle, lots of prayers and thoughts heading your way.

  7. Michelle ... We went through that too. (5 stents .. two surgeries) Lots of lots of prayers coming your way.

    Be sure he goes through cardio-rehab and takes his meds. Diet, of course, is important but yours sounds pretty healthy!!!

    Realize how very blessed you are and rejoice in God's love ....

    Take care of yourself

  8. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Praying that your husband makes a full recovery!

  9. Michelle,

    The best to you and you family and I will certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs!

  10. Good thoughts and prayers for an uneventful, speedy recovery. Take care of yourself, also!

  11. Wow Michelle,
    My prayers are with you all. I know how scary this stuff can be after my Mom had her problems a few years ago. It sounds like though they caught his at a good point and hopefully without much damage. Which is a blessing for sure.
    Take care and keep us updated when you can!

  12. Thoughts and prayers....and more prayers.

    Hugs to you....

  13. Praying for Rick, you and Brian. Anne

  14. Good heavens! Thinking of you, Rick , and Brian. Please keep us posted.

  15. Holding you all in my thoughts. It sounds like Rick's in good hands. Positive, healing energy is coming your way.

  16. So sorry you & your husband have to endure this, but glad that it was found in time and that things will be ok. Thoughts and prayers for both of you are on their way.
    Keep us posted.

  17. My prayers are going your way. What a scary time for you!

    Nancy in Iowa

  18. Prayers from here, too, of course. When I read your title - I thought you were kidding! I wish you had been. Medicine has improved so much, hopefully Rick's better than new very soon!

  19. Oh Michelle!!! What a scare! It's times like this that friends can be a comfort...especially PRAYING friends. Doing just that for Rick, you and little Brian too.

  20. Prayers to you all! What is with our "guys" this summer??? Mine went and had a minor I can definitely relate to the feeling of giddiness when the worst has passed...

    Small wonder we women cannot get anything done around here...what with the menfolk laid up...wait till he comes home and recuperates...he'll drive you batty. But that is when are supposed to listen to the warning of these little health crises - love them every day!

  21. Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes! Rick had an uneventful night and will probably be moved out of CCU today. More info when I have it.

  22. Sending prayers for you all!! What a fright! So glad things are progressing well now!!

  23. What a shocker Michelle. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  24. Very scary!!! Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers.

  25. He can consider this a warning, as scary as it was for all three of you. We are the stewards of our bodies. I'm so glad that he gets a second chance to practice better stewardship.

  26. How frightening! Special prayers for Rick and for you and Brian as well.

    ((((((BIG hug!))))))

  27. Praise God for his grace and mercy! I know all will be well in his gentle hands. Tell Rick that Dennis has had two by pass surgeries 16 years apart. God formed our bodies to give us all the spare parts we need to repair them...we love you and are always here if you need to talk.
    The cozy cottage says heads up! <><

  28. Holy Buckets! I'm so sorry for your hardships but praise God that Rick is coming home! Things like this always make us more thankful for our tiniest blessings.

    You guys are in my prayers!

  29. OMG - my week has been so crazy that I didn't see this until just now. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  30. How scary! but so glad to hear that Rick is ok. Keeping you all in my thoughts- hang in there!

  31. I agree- how scary. I am glad to hear he's recovering.


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