Monday, September 08, 2008

First day of school

Today's calendar page is a perfect fit. Last year we homeschooled kindergarten rather loosely, as I don't think five- and six-year-old boys are designed to sit still for long periods. I also don't think education should be confined to a classroom, so we incorporated learning throughout the day and throughout the year. This year, more structure and lesson plans were in order, but with our big trip to Missouri, I put off implementing that until today – Brian's first day of first grade!Brian is holding two of the readers loaned to me by a dear teacher friend, and I picked up the rest of our school books from a Christian homeschool bookstore in Oregon City. Between "class periods," we still have plenty of time for recreation and outdoor pursuits - like playing with "big-stick Jackson."
This morning during one of those outdoor breaks, I noticed Morgan acting very broody. She was in and out of and on top of and below the nesting boxes; I was certain egg #2 was on its way. We watched for awhile, then left her in peace to what, for all I know, is a traumatic and stressful experience for an inexperienced pullet.
Checking back later, sure enough - there was a warm little egg. But wait! What is that back in the corner?
Yep, we have eggs #2 and #3! But which one is Morgan's? The darker one is darker than egg #1, but the lighter one doesn't really look blue or green; is it pink? Or is our lovely Easter Egger missing the blue-egg gene?Not that it matters much; Brian was salivating for eggs for lunch. (I told him he had to wait to show Daddy. :-)

That's it for now at . . .


  1. School is so much fun!!! Especially when you have such a good teacher as Brian's mummy!
    I nominated you for a blogging award, Michelle. I love your blog. You can check it out on my site on today's post.

  2. I didn't know you homeschool. I recently started a homeschooling blog. In case you want to check it out, it's

  3. By the way, Morgan is beautiful. (I accidentally hit publish before I was done.)

  4. I was home-schooled from 4th grade-11th grade!

  5. Good luck to Brian in first grade! And congrats on the egg booty!

  6. I'm guessing the lighter egg is Morgan's. Maybe she'll get the green/blue egg shell color going soon. :-) Or maybe she will just lay pink eggs! I don't think I've ever had any of my Ameracuanas lay an egg that light, although she does look like some of my girls. Regardless, it's the TASTE that counts, and it'll be yummy.

  7. Yea for the first day of school! And that photo of Jackson looks like a studio shot! :) (Btw, mom asked me if I wanted to take Ace. I told her I'd like to enjoy the nice grass at the new place for awhile. :)

  8. You make me want to have chickens again! I wonder if Zip has outgrown his need to play with them....

  9. Easter Eggers range from green and blues through browns and pinks - you could get anything, but I'm guessing it'll be rosey colored. :)

    Too bad you can't go out for a "Mom"s Only - Kid's in School" breakfast that my friend and I used to do on the first day of school.
    But did you get the restraining devices to keep Brian in his chair? heeheehee

  10. Kathy, I haven't had to resort to restraining devices, yet. :-) Actually, it's going well so far. Brian is excited to be starting "First Grade," and sits down readily for our concentrated work periods.


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