Monday, July 21, 2008

How does YOUR garden grow?

It's dry here; it was reported on the news that we are at 42% of average rainfall for the month of July with no rain in sight. We haven't had a month with normal or above normal rainfall since March! But we keep the garden watered, and it is rewarding our efforts. The raspberries and blueberries are giving us a few tasty morsels every day now -
Our first zucchini will be ready to pick and prepare this week -
The onions, tomatoes and pumpkins are getting plump with promise -
The burgundy green beans are setting on -
And the eggplants and melons are making promises with their petals -

That's it for now at . . .


  1. Very nice! Not a weed in sight and it looks like the beetles are not a problem where you are, or do you have a secret to keeping them away? Love to exchange recipes that focus around garden veggies if anyone is game. Zucchini in particular! Love it, but after a while I don't know what to do with it.

  2. Kara, all my careful angles did the trick if you can't see the weeds -- hee! But we have kept up with weeding pretty well this year, thanks to DH's help.

    As for zucchini, I'm afraid I didn't plant enough this year! Besides slicing it raw in salads and making it into patties (I have a great recipe for those), we never tire of sauteing onion and garlic in olive oil, throwing in sliced zucchini and fresh basil, and serving it tossed with pasta and parmesan. That is our summer staple supper! The other day at a potluck I had THE BEST zucchini bread I've ever tasted, so I have to get the lady's recipe for that, too. I also use it in homemade minestrone a la Olive Garden Restaurant, layer it with yellow crookneck or straightneck in a casserole my guys like, slice it lengthwise and grill it with herbs and parmesan.... It's a good thing I just ate breakfast, or I'd be drooling on my computer!

  3. Ummm Ummmm we have the blueberries and raspberries, but I keep procrastinating putting a garden in. Next year, really! How about sharing that great recipe you have for zucchini patties and the zucchini bread? Tammy

  4. Nice looking garden, I was wondering at the same thing Kara was before I read her comment lol


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