Monday, July 21, 2008


Yesterday my eye caught a glimpse of wood in my front flower bed where I shouldn't have been able to see any. Upon closer examination, I saw that one of my little Japanese maples had been beheaded, leaving a small stump and a few shoots - no doubt by a certain careening canine. I was so mad that I had to put Jackson in the laundry room while I cooled down; there wasn't any point in punishing him when I didn't catch him in the act, but it would have been easy to vent my anger.

First thing this morning I let Jackson outside as usual. When I headed out to do chores a bit later he met me with one of Brian's balls in his mouth. (Brian knows the rule: if he leaves something outside, he can't blame Jackson for any damage incurred.) We romped together a bit, and I realized how much this dog has wedged himself into my heart, in spite of how aggravating he can still be (and as mad as I was about my irreplaceable maple!). He's soft and beautiful and smart and affectionate, and SOMEday he'll probably stop being quite so rambunctious - right? (RIGHT???)

P.S. The first zucchini is history, sliced on top of a pizza. Yum! Look for some of our favorite zucchini recipes soon.

That's it for now at . . .


  1. Ah, Ma! Maybe the pruning will make it grow back even better. :-)
    He sure is getting to be a beauty. Boone actually prunes small trees with his teeth. I went out one afternoon and found my redbud tree with every limb 'cut back' to about four inches. I couldn't think what had done it, since I have a fenced yard... then there was Boone, innocently standing but a few steps away, twigs around his paws. (by the way, the redbud flourished this Spring).

  2. Oh yeah, he'll mellow out....when he's about 10. :) I don't even want to think about the plants/trees my pack has destroyed. Though I do have a little laceleaf maple that they "pruned" back to a stump and amazingly after planting it where they can't get to it, it HAS recovered. Doesn't have quite as nice of shape..... Tammy

  3. In all your *spare* time, you could put him in agility and harness all that joy of living energy that he has :)


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